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NotePage SMS and Text Messaging Software Background

PageGate Inbound Options PageGate InBound

sms server and messaging gateway for networks

PageGate SMS Server Engine - The PageGate text messaging engine accepts messages in a variety of different ways. The following are different interface options for accepting messages into PageGate.

PageGate is modular and scaleable any single interface or combination of interfaces can be used.

Inbound Messages - ways that PageGate can accept incoming messages:

Command Line ASCII Interface

GetASCII - Command Line / File Interface - Text API
Messages are sent to the PageGate Text Messaging Engine via a single command issued at the DOS prompt. Command line commands may also be issued from within windows or from within many 'canned' and custom applications. In addition, the Command Line / ASCII can scan one or more directories (networked or local) for text files (ASCII files) containing messages. PageGate can also 'watch' one or more files and folders for new text files, that contain messages (this is a common integration method for 3rd party applications)
Filter Pack Filter Pack*
The PageGate Filter Pack is used in conjunction with the Command Line ASCII Interface, enabling PageGate to pass all messages through a customizable filter. This gives PageGate the power to completely reformat the contents of, or extract data from the original message text.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
Web Interface
Web Server Interface - Web API
Send text messages via web pages. The CGI application allows users to dispatch messages from a web page on your web server. PageGate's web interface supports many types of web pages including single, group, multipage, drop down lists and adhoc type web pages. This interface uses a CGI script to allow any Windows based web server to accept information entered on a web page and send it to the Text Messaging Engine.
Email Interface
Email (SMTP) Interface - Email API
Full support for SMTP and POP3 protocols for accepting and collecting email messages. Receives incoming email into the PageGate Messaging Engine. Received mail messages can also be forwarded to additional email accounts. This front-end includes a fully functional mail server and may be used by itself or in conjunction with other mail servers.
Serial Interface - Serial API
Serial Interface - Serial API
Enables PageGate to monitor a serial connection for data. This interface is often used to accept text that would normally be sent to an alarm system, alarm panel or printer, and extract message information from that data.
GUI Interface - Windows Client
GUI Client Interface - Windows Client
A simple to use Windows program for manually dispatching messages. It has many advanced features such as preset messages and recipients, scheduling, logging, reports, etc.
TAP Interface
TAP Interface - TAP API
Messages can be accepted via modem or direct serial connection, using the standard TAP messaging protocol. The GetTap interface accepts these messages over a serial connection that is usually connected to a modem. The TAP protocol is the most widely used text messaging protocol for serial and dialup connections. The GetTap interface enables PageGate to accept in text messages from many sources, and then re-dispatch the messages back out (possibly to different recipients or groups). Also PageGate can act as a messaging gateway for TAP clients, simplifying setup, logging and providing a single connection for sending messages to a wide variety of carriers.
SNPP Server Module - SNPP API*
Messages can be accepted over the Internet using the standard SNPP messaging protocol, which then can be resent using any of the various protocols.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
TCP Server
TCP Server Module - TCP API*
Enables PageGate to act as a TCP server and 'listen' on a TCP/IP port (connection) for data. It can be setup to watch for particular keywords or message formats in order to extract message data from the TCP data. Message data is saved in a format that PageGate's Command Line ASCII Interface can accept.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
UDP Server

UDP Server Module - UDP API*
Enables PageGate to act as a UDP server and 'listen' on a IP port (connection) for UDP data. It can be setup to watch for particular keywords or message formats in order to extract message data from the TCP data. Message data is saved in a format that PageGate's Command Line ASCII Interface can accept.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface

TAP Over TCPIP TAP over TCP/IP Server Module*
The TAP Over TCP/IP Module allows PageGate to receive messages via the TAP protocol by TCP request instead of a serial port or a modem connection.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
Serial2ASCII Serial2ASCII Interface*
The Serial2ASCII interface is a companion module for GetSerial and unlocks the ability to monitor additional physical or virtual serial (RS232) ports.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
TAP2ASCII Interface
TAP2ASCII Interface*
The TAP2ASCII module accepts inbound TAP connections via a modem or a direct serial connection. Each message is accepted and saved in an ASCII text file, in a format compatible with PageGate's GetASCII interface. Multiple TAP2ASCII modules can be run on the same computer as PageGate, enabling PageGate to simultaneously accept messages from multiple inbound TAP connections.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
Touchtone Reciever Interface
Touch tone Receiver Interface - Touch tone API*
A voice modem can be used to accept messages sent from a touch-tone phone, and convert them to textual messages.

Example: sending the touchtones '1#3' might mean send canned message 1 to group 3.

*requires Command Line / ASCII Interface
SQL Database SQL Server Module
Using SQL can make storing and accessing PageGate's data much easier for clients and it provides methods of connection ideal for local and remote connection. With Microsoft's support of encryption for SQL, this also provides a secure method for connecting remote systems to the PageGate server.
Additional Connectors
Additional Connectors
For installations that need a high message throughput or a level of redundancy, PageGate supports up to 16 concurrent dialers. Connectors have been expanded to include direct connects to telecom or paging terminals and Internet connections for sending messages via SMTP, SNPP or WCTP. This will allow the PageGate Messaging Engine to simultaneously dial out to more than one carrier at a time, or to make multiple connections simultaneously to the same or different carriers. Dialers can also be used to connect directly telecom terminals via a serial cable connection.
Direct Database Intergration
Direct Database Integration
New messages can be written directly to PageGate's industry standard MS Access compatible database (this is a common integration method for 3rd party applications)


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System Requirements  
  Processor 1.0 Ghz Processor or better
  Memory 1 Gig RAM
  Hard Drive 100 Mb of free disk space (for application and database)
  Connectivity /Communications Depending on your method of delivering messages, your needs will vary
To send SMS messages an Internet connection or a cellular modem is necessary

To send messages to a paging terminal, a direct serial connection or a modem connection is necessary

Phone based protocols, like Fax, Touch Tone and TAP requires an analog modem

2-way messaging and message replies, where supported, typically require a cellular modem or account with an Internet based messaging service.

Sending and receiving messages through most API's is supported and requires a network or Internet connection
 Operating System PageGate will run on any of the following operating systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Windows 11
Server 2012
Server 2016
Server 2019
Server 2022

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