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NotePage SMS and Text Messaging Software Background

PageGate SMS Software PageGate v10

sms server and messaging gateway for networks

How PageGate Recieves Messages How PageGate Receives Messages

PageGate is a powerful SMS and text messaging gateway. PageGate accepts messages a variety of ways and can dispatch them via text messages using a variety of protocols and methods.

PageGate is a flexible powerful way to take control of corporate communications. PageGate is modular and scaleable, it can be incredibly powerful serving the needs of a multi-location business or agency or simply handle day to day communications of a small office.

PageGate allows for network text messaging or network wide SMS messaging through a combination of the following methods: email, web, command line, textfile, Internet, serial port, modem, mobile phone, wireless modem, direct database access or a windows client.

SMS or text messages can be sent to any number of cell phones, mobile phones, wireless devices, pagers, billboards, etc....

PageGate can be installed to run on a single non-dedicated workstation, or using its modular architecture, PageGate can actually be installed across a dozen or more computers for a truly high-performance messaging gateway system.

Benefits to PageGate
PageGate GUI Increased Speed of Incident Resolution A reliable communication solution increases the speed of incident resolution. With increased response times, informed decisions can be made bring a critical incident to a timely resolution.
PageGate GUI Anywhere, Anyone, Any Time, Text messaging is everywhere. Text messaging can reach remote employees, regardless of their location, as long as the  cell phone has a signal, text messages can be sent and recieved.
PageGate GUI Time Sensitive Text messages are received immediately.
PageGate GUI Effective and Direct Text messages are personal, direct and effective. Text messages reach the intended recipient and can concisely convey a message.
PageGate GUI

Automatic and Efficienct

Text messages can be automated should certain conditions exist, ultimately increasing efficiency

PageGate GUI Logging & Tracking Unlike a voice conversation, text messaging through PageGate retains a record of the conversation. PageGate's logging function retains the date and time stamps, so if the need should occur a timeline of communications can be reconstructed
PageGate GUI


With PageGate SMS or text messages can be scheduled to go out at a certain date and time.

PageGate GUI

Bi-Directional Communication

With PageGate you can communicate back and forth to personnel in the field using the Windows Client.

PageGate also can bi-directionally communicate with nearly any web based API. This allows for both sending information to and receiving information from many Internet and intranet sources.

PageGate GUI

Save Time

It takes far less time to send a text message than to make a phone call.

PageGate GUI


If the cell phone is off or out of signal range, the message will arrive at the recipients phone if it is switched on or receives signal within 48 hours of sending.

Additional PageGate has redundant sending methods, if the method delivery fails, an alternative method delivery method can be selected.

PageGate GUI

Support for Individuals or Groups

Send individual messages or group messages.

PageGate GUI

Secure Database Options

PageGate can be deployed to a local, or a cloud server with an encrypted SQL connection. This gives users the ability to use the PageGate Client securely from anywhere!

PageGate GUI

Universal & Ubiquitous

Text messaging is a universal platform that is more prevalent than specific messaging applications. 

PageGate GUI

Time Management & Reminders

PageGate can be setup to send reminders to broadcast messages to individuals or groups.

PageGate Admin now has the ability to schedule messages to go out in the future and can also schedule repeating messages, making it much easier to create routines to poll data from APIs

PageGate GUI


Let's face it text messaging is convenient.

Statistics clearly indicate that text messages open rates at 98% far exceeds that of email. In fact most text messages are read within 15 minutes of receipt.
PageGate GUI Eco-Friendly Text messaging is eco-friendly and has the lowest impact for communication methods on your carbon footprint,
PageGate GUI Discrete
Text messaging is more discreet than a phone conversation, making it an ideal form for communicating.
PageGate GUI Less Intrusive Text messages are less intrusive than a phone call.
PageGate GUI Flexible and Selective Filtering The optional Filter Pack has a number if added capabilities and improvements, allowing for even more flexibility and support for nearly any data format. This expands on PageGate's abily to accept, reformat, and send just about any textual data format. It is especially useful when interacting with internet and intranet APIs.
PageGate GUI Save Time and Money Everyone knows time is money, increase response times, reduce down time and save money

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System Requirements  
  Processor 1.0 Ghz Processor or better
  Memory 1 Gig RAM
  Hard Drive 100 Mb of free disk space (for application and database)
  Connectivity /Communications Depending on your method of delivering messages, your needs will vary
To send SMS messages an Internet connection or a cellular modem is necessary

To send messages to a paging terminal, a direct serial connection or a modem connection is necessary

Phone based protocols, like Fax, Touch Tone and TAP requires an analog modem

2-way messaging and message replies, where supported, typically require a cellular modem or account with an Internet based messaging service.

Sending and receiving messages through most API's is supported and requires a network or Internet connection
 Operating System PageGate will run on any of the following operating systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Server 2012
Server 2016
Server 2019
Server 2022

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