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Filter Pack PageGate

Filter Pack

sms server and messaging gateway for networks

The PageGate Filter Pack is an add-on that allows for message processing, substitution and filtering.

Filter Pack

Filter Pack
The PageGate Filter Pack is used in conjunction with the Command Line ASCII Interface, enabling PageGate to pass all messages through a customizable filter. This gives PageGate the power to completely reformat the contents of, or extract data from the original message text. Extracting message data from textual data formats like HTML, XML, JSON, etc. is possible using the Filter Pack.

The Filter Pack also support logic operations, allowing for variable output conditional on the content of the original message. In addition, the Filter Pack supports a powerful RegEx (regular expression) engine, opening the possibility of data extraction from just about any data file format.

The PageGate Filter Pack allows you to modify any input from any API based on nearly any selection criteria of your choosing. PageGate has the ability to write messages as files for the Command Line ASCII API to process, which allows you to take input from any API and pass it through the filter pack's script(s). The filter pack also allows you to read any plaintext content generated by another application; whether that's another program's log files, XML or HTML content, delimited text or anything that can be read as plaintext.

With PageGate's new filter pack, you can even poll information from any web resource that provides XML content or a web API that can provide polled information. For example, PageGate can be configured to poll the National Weather Service for weather in your area, the weather can then automatically be sent out as a text message to recipients or groups. 

*Please keep in mind the Filter Pack Interface requires the use of Command Line / ASCII Interface to function properly.

*Custom filter script development is available through NotePage technical support there is a fee for regular customers, and available free of charge to PageGate Priority Support customers.

Filter Pack Can Be Used with The Following Interfaces:

Command Line / ASCII Interface

Command Line / ASCII Interface

PageGate's Command Line ASCII allows the program to monitor a directory or series of directories for ASCII formatted files (whether they're text, HTML, XML, JSON or any other form of ASCII document). The filter script allows you to conditionally modify any part of the data processed, including who the message is intended to go to, who the message is from and the contents of the message. For instance, you could have a filter script scan for any instance of the key phrase 'Lab 13' in the body of the message, then redirect the message to the 'lab13' group or you could have it scan for any instance of the code 'A04' and translate that in to 'Building A, Room 04'.

Web Interface / Web API

Web Interface

PageGate's Web API integrates PageGate with a web server to provide a CGI executable for other applications to submit messages as well as providing the ability to host messaging websites. Messages submitted to GetWeb for processing can then be put through a filter script, which would allow you to scan any message submitted for certain keywords or phrases, then conditionally modify any part of the subject, message, who the message is addressed to or who the message is addressed from. For instance, you can configure a script where any message that has the key phrase 'Alert Level 4' in the subject or body of the message is automatically redirected to the 'swat' group or you can configure a script that scans for any instance of a keyword or key phrase and replaces it with something else, like replacing the code 'E04' with 'East Lake Protection District'.

Email Interface

Email Interface

PageGate's Email API allows the program to receive email which can then be put through a filtering script. For example, you could configure the filter script to scan the subject or body of any message submitted for certain key words or phrases, then change who the message is delivered to based on them. For instance, you can configure a system where any email that has the word 'biohazard' in the subject or body of the message is automatically redirected to the 'hazmat' group. You can also have the filter script conditionally modify any part of the subject, message, who the message is addressed to or who the message is addressed from.

Serial Interface

Serial Interface

PageGate's Serial Interface allows the program to monitor physical or virtual serial ports for input which can then be put through a filter script. For example, you could configure the filter script to scan the stream of serial data submitted for certain key words or phrases, then conditionally modify to whom the messages are to be delivered as well as modify any part of the message and who the message is addressed from. For instance, you could have any data stream with the key phrase '100F' redirected to the 'emergency_it' group or you could have any data stream with the key phrase 'ALARM' redirected to the 'security' group.

PageGate GUI Windows Client

GUI Interface

PageGate's GUI Windows Client is an application that provides a messaging interface to any computer on the same network as the PageGate server. Messages submitted from the PageGate Client can be put through a filter script that would allow you to modify the contents of the message, or even whom the message is intended to be delivered. For instance, you could have an operator enter a code 'A04' that the filter script could translate in to 'Building A, Room 04' automatically or you could have any message that contained certain keywords automatically redirected to a predetermined recipient, group or collection of recipients and groups regardless of the recipients or groups selected by the operator of the Client.
TAP Interface

TAP Interface

PageGate's TAP Interface allows the program to receive traffic from TAP terminals, like those made by Zetron and Motorola, which can then be put through a filter script. For example, you could configure the filter script to scan the body of any message submitted for certain key words or phrases, then conditionally modify to whom the messages are to be delivered as well as modify any part of the message and who the message is addressed from. For instance, you can configure a system where any message that has the key phrase 'Node Down' in the body of the message is automatically redirected to the 'itdept' group.

SNPP Server Module

SNPP Server Module

PageGate's SNPP Server API allows the program to receive traffic from SNPP systems, which can then be put through a filter script. For example, you could configure the filter script to scan the body of any message submitted for certain key words or phrases, then conditionally modify to whom the messages are to be delivered as well as modify any part of the message and who the message is addressed from. For instance, you can configure a system where any message that has the key phrase 'Alert Level 4' in the subject or body of the message is automatically redirected to the 'swat' group.


Filter Pack Benefits

PageGate Filter Pack Benefits

Incredibly Powerful

incredibly powerful the possibilities are really endless of what can be accomplished using the filter script.

PageGate Filter Pack Features


the filter script is highly flexible giving you the ability to customize it to suit your personal needs.

PageGate Filter Pack Features

Support for Literal Searches

built in support for literal searches

PageGate Filter Pack Benefits

Support for Regex

built in support for Regex

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System Requirements  
  Processor 1.0 Ghz Processor or better
  Memory 1 Gig RAM
  Hard Drive 100 Mb of free disk space (for application and database)
  Connectivity /Communications Depending on your method of delivering messages, your needs will vary
To send SMS messages an Internet connection or a cellular modem is necessary

To send messages to a paging terminal, a direct serial connection or a modem connection is necessary

Phone based protocols, like Fax, Touch Tone and TAP requires an analog modem

2-way messaging and message replies, where supported, typically require a cellular modem or account with an Internet based messaging service.

Sending and receiving messages through most API's is supported and requires a network or Internet connection
 Operating System PageGate will run on any of the following operating systems:
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
Server 2012
Server 2016
Server 2019
Server 2022

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