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  direct database Integration

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Integration Support Integration Information


How to Integrate Integration Options Information to help integrate a new software or hardware solution with PageGate.
Why Integrate? Benefits to Integration
Benefits to integrating with NotePage's software.
Steps to Integrate Steps to Integrate with Existing Solutions
Follow these steps to use an existing product that integrates with NotePage.
Steps to Integrate Steps to Integrate with Delivery Service
Follow these steps to use an existing delivery service with PageGate
Direct Database Connection Direct Database Integration with PageGate Steps to write directly to PageGate database for direct integration.
Alerts from Network Monitoring Send Alerts from Network Monitoring Software Information on sending alerts and notifications from network monitoring solutions.
Integration Methods for Public Safety Integration Methods for Public Safety Detailed integration information specific to Public Safety organizations.
Partner Profiles Integration Partner Profiles
Detailed information on partners that have a formal relationship with NotePage.

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