Accepting Messages

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PageGate is designed to easily integrate with other applications by providing a range of front-end APIs.  Once integrated, your application(s) will be able to send messages to the recipients and groups that have been configured in the software, and even send messages through PageGate for recipients that aren't configured in the program's database with PageGate's Ad-Hoc Messaging feature.


PageGate supports the following integration methods:


GUI Client - Windows Client Interface

A Windows based program installed on workstations on the same network as the PageGate server. This program provides a graphical user interface to send and schedule messages.


GetASCII - Command Line / ASCII Interface

This API is capable of monitoring a directory or series of directories on the local hard drive or across the network for ASCII/text file output and also provides a command line interface for other applications to use. Anything that has the ability to output an ascii formatted file (even a log file) or the ability to execute an external program can be integrated with this API. This module allows many 'off the shelf' and custom applications, such as SolarWinds' Network Performance Monitor, Paessler's PRTG and several CAD programs, among many others, to deliver messages when a dispatch is sent.


PageGate Filter Pack

The PageGate Filter Pack allows you to modify any input from any API based on nearly any selection criteria of your choosing. PageGate has the ability to write messages as files for the GetAscii API to process, which allows you to take input from any API and pass it through the filter pack's script(s). The filter pack also allows you to read any plaintext content generated by another application; whether that's another program's log files, XML or HTML content, delimited text or anything that can be read as plaintext.


GetMail - Email Interface (Includes SMTP server)

This API unlocks the ability to receive email in to PageGate by enabling the receiving functions of PageGate's mail server engine. This API provides the ability to host your own messaging domain or sub-domain as well as unlocking an email forwarding feature associated with your recipients and groups. This API also allows PageGate to function as an SMTP/Email receiver for any installation of NotePager Pro, allowing satellite offices to submit messages for processing with a centralized, master server.


GetWeb - Webserver and CGI Interface

Also known as the GetWeb Interface, this API allows PageGate to integrate with a web server to provide a website messaging interface. This allows you to host messaging websites on your local intranet or, if GetWeb is interfaced with an outward facing web server, on the internet.  Web Developers can also use this web server interface to send GET/POST requests to notify PageGate when a message needs to be sent, who the message should go to, who sent the message and what the message should say. This interface can also be used to enable PageGate to receive notifications from applications running on different platforms (Unix, Mac, etc.).  


GetSerial - Serial Port (physical or virtual) Interface

Also known as the GetSerial Interface, this API allows PageGate to monitor a serial/RS232 port (physical or virtual) for raw data ASCII strings to be parsed in to outbound messages. When a data string is sent to a monitored serial port, GetSerial pattern matches sections of the data string to parse information for messaging.  


Serial to ASCII Module

This is a companion module for GetSerial and unlocks the ability to monitor additional serial/RS232 ports (physical or virtual), up to 16. This module requires the GetAscii API to function.


GetTAP - TAP Interface

Also known as the GetTAP Interface, this API allows PageGate to monitor a serial port or answer a modem call to receive TAP transmitted pages. This allows PageGate to function as a TAP receiver or a TAP terminal for any devices and systems that can transmit that protocol, such as a Zetron or Motorola messaging terminal as well as a few CAD systems. This also allows PageGate to function as a TAP receiver for any installation of NotePager Pro, allowing satellite offices to submit messages for processing with a centralized, master server.


TAP to ASCII Module

This is a companion module for GetTAP and unlocks the ability to monitor additional serial/RS232 ports or modems, up to 16. This module requires the GetAscii API to function.


TAP over TCP/IP Server Module

This API allows you to receive the TAP protocol by TCP/IP instead of by serial or modem line. This module requires the GetAscii API to function.


SNPP Server Module

This API allows PageGate to function as an SNPP server to receive this protocol from any source that can send it. Messages received by this API are output to a directory as a text file that is then read in with the GetAscii API. This also allows PageGate to function as an SNPP receiver for any installation of NotePager Pro, allowing satellite offices to submit messages for processing with a centralized, master server. This module requires the GetAscii API to function.


TouchTone Server Module (DTMF)

This API provides the ability to monitor a voice modem to answer calls and receive DTMF signals and output them as text to a file for the GetAscii API to process. This module requires the GetAscii API to function.


Registry Polling

The GetAscii API can accept messages that are passed to it via the Windows registry.  


Windows Messages

This option enables other software to send new messages to the GetAscii interface by sending it a 'Windows Message'.  Windows Messages can be sent by using the SendMessage() Windows API call.


Direct Database Access

PageGate uses an MSJet database that can be linked to other databases by ODBC expression.