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PageGate GetWeb Lists Setup Video Tutorial

PageGate GetWeb Lists Setup

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PageGate GetWeb Lists Setup Transcript for Video:
Welcome to the tutorial on how to configure a GUI List or List Web Page with the GetWeb Module in PageGate.

The first step is to run the PageGate Admin, so go to your start menu in Windows, go to Programs, find the PageGate program group, and run the PageGate Admin.

Before we begin, it should be noted that since the GetWeb module uses a template based system, any customizations or edits that you make MUST be done to the template, not to the index or default html pages.

If you make a change to the index or default page, the next time the GetWeb module republishes the information based on the template, you'll lose any edits that you've made.

Before we can actually configure a GUI List or List webpage, we first have to configure a group that will control this webpage.

So, right click on the Groups section, then left click on Add.

You can name the group whatever you like but it should be noted that whatever you name the group will be the name that PageGate uses as the web page directory name. So, for example, if we name the group pglist, our eventual webpage name will be www.whatever.com/pglist

After naming the group, left click in the group field and you'll notice that it fills in for you.

Now that we have our group in the groups list, left click on the + next to its name, then left click on the Web Page subsection under the recipient.

In the Template File field, click on the Dropdown arrow and select either the list or guilist.htm template files.

You may notice these fields, Text 1 through 10 and Image 1 through 5. These correspond to various text and image placement fields within the template and you can fill these in as you please.

After specifying the template, left click on Apply.

The final step is to left click on the Members sub-section of the webpaging group.

Anyone that is a member of this group will show up on the website. Anyone that is not a member, will not show up.

Also, any time you modify the member list of a web paging group in any way, PageGate republishes the index and default html pages based on the template.

Now, if you look in the web pages directory on your web server, mine is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\, you should see a new sub-directory that matches the name of your web paging group.

If you go into that directory, you'll see that PageGate has generated the index and default html pages for the web server to host based on the template.

This concludes the tutorial on how to configure a GUI List or List Web Page with the GetWeb module. For other tutorials, including how to configure other web page types, please visit our website, www.notepage.net

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