Microsoft Windows 7 specific instructions
1) The first step is to visit our website,
1a) Click on the Download button in the center
of the page.
1b) Left click on Save.
1c) Left click on Browse Folders.
1d) When asked where to save the file, select
the Desktop, then left click on Save.
2) Now that you have the installation file downloaded,
find it on the desktop, right click on it, then left
click on Run as Administrator.
3) When you do, you may be prompted by an Open
File Security Warning. Left click on Run.
4) At this point, Windows 7 will ask if you want
to Cancel or Allow. Left click on Allow.
5) When you left click on Allow, the installation
will extract. Left click on Install NotePager Pro.
6) Click on Next on the first step of the installation.
7) On the second step, be sure to read the End
User License Agreement carefully and then left click
on Next.
8) On the third step, you can choose a destination
folder. By default, the program installs itself to the
Program Files directory. If you wish to change that,
left click on Browse. Otherwise, left click on Next
to continue.
9) Left click on Next on the fourth and then
the fifth options.
10) After the installation finishes, left click
on the Finish button.
11) After the installation is complete, you should
see a new NotePager pro shortcut on your desktop. Right
click on that shortcut, then left click on Run as Administrator.
12) When you do, Windows 7 will ask if you want
to Cancel or Allow. Left click on Allow and the program
will run.