Running PageGate for the First Time

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Click here for steps to install PageGate.

Click here for information to configure PageGate to accept messages.

Click here for information to configure PageGate to send messages.

After installing and configuring PageGate, you'll need to start the PageGate Server. The PageGate Server can be run in one of two modes: Windows Service or Application


Windows Service

We strongly recommend using this run style.

In this mode, PageGate runs as a Windows Service. Doing so means PageGate is not logon dependent and will automatically start itself after Windows launches.


To switch PageGate's run style to a Windows Service

1)Find the shortcut to the PageGate Admin in your start menu or on your Desktop.

2)Right click on the shortcut for the PageGate Admin.

3)Left click "Run as Administrator"

4)Go to Program - Settings.

5)In the "Run PageGate as" section, select: Windows Service

6)Click Apply.

7)When prompted for credentials, leave them blank and click Apply.

8)When "Switching Run Styles" goes away, open the Windows Service list.

9)Find and start the PageGate service.



In this mode, PageGate runs as an application, just like any other program. Doing so makes PageGate logon reliant, which means that a user must be logged in to the computer and you must manually launch the PageGate Server when Windows starts.


To start the PageGate Server in Application mode

1)Find the shortcut to the PageGate Server in your start menu or on your Desktop.

2)Right click on the shortcut for the PageGate Server.

3)Left click "Run as Administrator"


For more information, please review the following sections:

Example Configuration using the PageGate GUI Client

Starting and Stopping PageGate

Monitoring PageGate