Starting and Stopping PageGate

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Start PageGate by choosing 'PageGate Server' from the Windows start menu. Typically this can be found at Start - Programs - PageGate - PageGate Server.


After PageGate is started, a pager icon will appear in the Windows system tray on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen (next to the clock). This icon is used to stop PageGate, start the PG Admin program, or start the PG Monitor program. Clicking on the pager with the left mouse button will display a menu with these options.


If PageGate is running as an application, the first menu option is the Restore function and will simply remove the pager icon from the system tray, and open a window on your desktop. Use the minimize button to return the icon to the system tray and remove the PageGate window. Quitting the PageGate window by using the 'X' control or by using the 'Quit PageGate' button will stop the entire PageGate Server application.


If PageGate is running as a Windows System service, the first menu option will be 'Start' instead of 'Restore'. This option will start the PageGate system service if it is not already running.


The second menu item is 'PG Admin'. Choosing this item will start PageGate's Administration program (if it is not already running).


The third menu item is 'PG Monitor'. Choosing this item will start PageGate's real-time monitoring program.


If PageGate is running as an Application, the last option is 'Quit'. Selecting 'Quit' will stop the entire PageGate application. If PG Admin or PG Monitor are running, they will need to be exited individually.


If PageGate is running as a Windows System service, the last option is 'Stop'. This will stop the PageGate Server service from running. If the PG Admin or PG Monitor programs are running, they will need to be quit out of individually.


If PageGate has been setup to run as Windows Service, it will start automatically each time the computer is restarted. Otherwise, you must start PageGate manually from the Windows start menu. (or add it to the computer's startup group).