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Integration with Jira

PageGate Can Be Integrated with Jira in Two Ways

Steps to Have PageGate Create Tickets in Jira

Follow these steps to create tickets in Jira using PageGate

PageGate can be integrated with Jira in two ways. You can have PageGate create tickets in Jira or you can have Jira send alert messages through PageGate and both are accomplished with Jira's REST API.

This document details how to have PageGate create tickets in Jira.

Creating an issue using the Jira REST API is as simple as making a POST with a JSON document. To create an issue, you will need to know certain key metadata, like the ID of the project that the issue will be created in, or the ID of the issue type.

The documentation for their API can be found here:

To have have PageGate create tickets in Jira, here's what you'll need to do:

1) Open PG Admin.

2) Right click 'Carriers', select 'Add'.

3) Specify the following:
Name: Jira
Protocol: HTTPPOST
Host: YourJiraServer/rest/api/2/issue
Port: 8080
Max Chars: 6000

Note: 8080 is the default port. If your instance of Jira is configured to use a different port, please specify that instead.

4) Click Apply.

5) Go to Carriers - Jira - Template.

6) The 'Text' section of the template will need to be a JSON form that is submitted to the API and directly controls where and how tickets will be created in Jira.

For detailed information on how to configure these forms, please reference the JIRA documentation linked above. The sections you'll be most interested in are 'Input Data' as that will give you the template to work with.

As an example, this would create an issue using a project key and field names:

"fields": {
"key": "TEST"
"summary": "%Subject%",
"description": "%Message%",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Bug"

7) Click Apply.

In the above example, I've made the assumption that PageGate is parsing subject information as a brief description of the issue to insert in to the summary field and that the description of the issue should be the message itself. This would create a 'Bug' with the key 'TEST'.

There are several ways you could implement this system. For example, if PageGate is monitoring for alerts from a network monitor like Solarwinds or PRTG, you may want to leave the issue type as a static value so tickets will always be created as the specified issue.

However, when creating recipients in PageGate, you could name your recipients as the issue type tickets would be created under and use the %Recipient% variable in the name field above. Then anything that needed to create a ticket under a particular issue would be able to call on it rather than limiting the program to only one issue type.

You could also create multiple Jira carriers, each configured to submit a specific issue type and have recipients in PageGate tied to specific issues.

Upon ticket submission, Jira's API will respond and an ID, key and URL to the newly created ticket. By default, PageGate won't do anything with these replies so if you don't want them processed, you don't have to do anything.

However, you could take the responses and send them as SMS and email to the people connected to the ticket that was just created, giving them a link to it. You could also use PageGate's filtering system to scan for specific

ids or keys and trigger additional steps as well.

To configure API response parsing:

1) Go to Carriers - <YourJiraCarrier> - Template

2) Specify the following in the 'Settings' section:
ResponseRecipient = The name of a recipient or group in PageGate

3) Click Apply.

This tells PageGate that API responses should go to the specified recipient or group and here's where things can get really fun with PageGate; that response group could be a collection of actions and messages.

For example, you could have the program send an SMS and email containing the resulting ticket ID to the relevant people while also executing a batch file or PowerShell script, update any REST API you have access to, initiate a group chat with Cisco's Jabber and many other things.

For more information the types of actions PageGate can take, have a look at our video tutorial on the program's delivery methods:

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