Pasquotank-Camden 911
Company Name: Pasquotank-Camden 911
Address: www.co.pasquotank.nc.us
Industry: Public Safety / Law Enforcement
Business Description:
The Pasquotank-Camden 911 is a 5 position 911 center that dispatches all fire, ems, law enforcement for two counties in North Carolina.
How is PageGate Used By the Pasquotank-Camden 911?
Pasquotank-Camden 911 originally purchased PageGate for the volunteer fire departments benefit and Pasquotank-Camden 911 has since found that PageGate has been helpful with making notifications to command staff for all agencies. PageGate is also used for sending out pertinent information to the Pasquotank Camden telecommunicators.
PageGate allows for those not monitoring the radio all the time to receive notification of a major incident in the area.
Kyle Felton
Pasquotank-Camden 911
Pasquotank-Camden 911 PDF Case Study