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How to Setup Ad-Hoc Messaging in the PageGate Client Video Tutorial

How to Setup Ad-Hoc Messaging in the PageGate GUI / Windows Client

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How to Setup Ad-Hoc Messaging PageGate GUI (Windows) Client Transcript for Video:
Welcome to the video tutorial on how to use ad-hoc messaging with the PageGate Client. In this tutorial, we’ll be going over how to create an ad-hoc recipient that allows you to pass freeform recipient information.

Before we begin, you must have at least a 5000 recipient license to gain access to PageGate’s Ad-Hoc features. For licensing information, please contact our sales and registration department at sales@notepage.com or by phone at 781-829-0500 x 1.

Once you have an ad-hoc capable license, you’ll first need to create the ad-hoc recipient for the Client to use. To do so, open the PageGate Admin.

Right click on the Recipients section, then select ‘Add’.

Give the recipient a name, something straightforward like SMS or Verizon Numbers or USA Mobility Numbers.

Set the Type to Ad-Hoc.

Select the carrier that these messages should be delivered through. This is fairly important because this determines the method of delivery for the freeform recipient data. For example, if you’re delivering your SMS with cellular hardware, the specific carrier of a cell phone number doesn’t matter because you’re delivering SMS just like a cell phone does.

However, if you’re using your internet connection to deliver messages, the carrier matters quite a bit as carriers don’t pass messages back and forth. AT&T will only accept messages for AT&T phones, Verizon for Verizon phones and so on. So, if you’re using your internet connection to deliver messages, this ad-hoc recipient would only be able to deliver messages through whichever carrier it’s tied to. You would want to create an ad-hoc recipient for each carrier, that way you can pass Verizon messages to Verizon, T-Mobile messages to T-Mobile and so on.

Set the max characters field to the maximum number of characters you want to be able to send, then click Apply.

Now that we have the new ad-hoc recipient available for the Client, open the PageGate Client. Find your ad-hoc recipient in the Recipients List and select it.

Then enter the phone number, pager number, email address or other contact information in the PIN/ID field, then click Apply.

Enter the message you wish to send, then click Send.

This concludes the tutorial on ad-hoc messaging with the PageGate Client.

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