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How to Send and Schedule Messages with PageGate Video Tutorial

How to Send, Schedule Messages and Repeating Messages in GUI / Windows Client

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How to Send and Schedule Messages with PageGate GUI (Windows) Client Transcript for Video:
Welcome to the video tutorial on how to send and schedule messages with the PageGate Client. In this tutorial, we’ll be going over the different parts of the PageGate Client interface used to both send and schedule messages.

To send a message with the PageGate Client, you’ll first need to open the program. After the program is open, you’ll see these three sections:

  • Recipient List

The Recipient List section displays all recipients and groups available for this workstation to message. Administrators to have the ability to control the list available to each workstations and users.

  • Selected Recipients

After selecting a recipient or group from the ‘Selected Recipients’ section, they’re moved here. This section displays a list of all recipients and groups that will receive the message entered in to the ‘Message Text’ section.

  • Message Text

This section is where you’ll enter the messages you need to send.
After selecting your recipients and groups and entering your message text, to send the message immediately, click Send.

However, let’s say that we didn’t want this message sent right now. Let’s say that we wanted to deliver this message next Thursday at 10:00 AM. The PageGate Client has the ability to schedule messages to go out by using this button here on the right – Options.

So, after you’ve selected who you want the message to go to and entered what you want the message to say, click on Options.

The ‘Send Message When’ section controls what date and time you want the message to be sent. If you wanted a message sent next Thursday at 10:00 AM, you would enter next Thursday’s date and 10:00 AM for the time.

If this message shouldn’t repeat and should only be sent the once, you can ignore the ‘Resend Message Every’ and ‘Stop Sending Message’ sections. If this is a message that should repeat, like a weekly meeting reminder or something similar, the ‘Resend Message Every’ section allows you to specify the interval in days, hours, minutes and any combination thereof. Once a week would be every 7 days, for example. You could express an hour as 1 hour or 60 minutes, as another example.

If this is a repeating message, the ‘Stop Sending Message’ section controls what date and time you want the message to stop being sent. So, if we only wanted to send a meeting reminder for a month, you would set the ‘Stop Sending Message’ section to one month after the ‘Send Message When’ value.

When finished, click on Apply and click Send. When you do, you’ll notice that the message moves to ‘Pending’ and will remain there until the schedule has played out.

To edit a scheduled message, go to View – Scheduled. Highlight the message and click Edit. As the dialog suggests, you must re-send the message after making your modifications. After making your modifications, double check the schedule in Options, click Apply, then click Send to reschedule the message.

To review a list of all messages sent from this workstation, go to View – History.

To review a list of all messages that were successfully delivered, go to View – Sent.

To review a list of all messages that couldn’t be delivered, go to View – Bad.

To review a list of all messages currently in the queue to be delivered, go to View – Pending.

This concludes the tutorial on how to send and schedule messages from the PageGate Client.

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