Company Name:
Ogilvy Mather (Europe)
Business Description: One of the largest marketing
communications networks in the world. They service
more Fortune Global 500 companies in five or more
countries than any other agency.
White Paper/Customer Quote:
"The way we use PageGate, here in London, is mainly
to allow our network monitoring server to send
alerts to our mobiles, by emailing PageGate. We
also use PageGate to page our IT guys. This is
done through the web client, using the list html
template or we use our email system to send the
message to PageGate. So we are definitely utilizing
PageGate's capabilities and we're very pleased
with it's reliability and ease of administration.
We are also planning on offering it's services
to other departments in our organization
, especially
in our post room and media department."
Francis Boulous, Ogilvy & Mather (Europe)
Ogilvy Mather PDF Case Study