Wrightwood Surveillance Milestone Xprotect Integration

Steps to Use Wrightwood Surveillance Milestone Xprotect with PageGate

Send Text and SMS Messages from Wrightwood Surveillance Milestone Xprotect
PageGate can be easily integrated with Wrightwood Surveillance's Milestone Xprotect with PageGate's GetMail API to receive email notifications from Milestone Xprotect programs and process them in to SMS messages to recipients' cell phones, pages to pagers, communication with a web API or many other output methods.

To have Milestone Xprotect email information to PageGate, you'll first need to configure a sub-domain off of your main email domain and redirect the MX record of the sub-domain to the IP address of the PageGate computer. For example, let's say that our main domain is example.com. We could then have the mail server administrators for example.com create the sub-domain messaging.example.com and redirect the MX record for this sub-domain to the IP of the PageGate computer. Once this is accomplished, here's how to configure PageGate's GetMail module:

1) Open the PG Admin.

2) Go to Interfaces - GetMail - Settings.

3) Check Enabled.

4) Enter your sub-domain name in the "Local Domain" field. For example, messaging.example.com

5) Click Apply.
5a) If prompted, select Yes, you do want this to be enabled for all groups and recipients.

Once you do that, every recipient and group within PageGate becomes a valid email address on the new sub-domain. For example, if we had a group named Alerts, we could send an email to alerts@messaging.example.com and GetMail would read the message in, then submit the message for delivery to all of the members of the Alerts group.

To set up email notifications in Milestone Xprotect, this is what you'll want to do:

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