Verizon EMAG Integration

Steps to Use Verizon EMAG with PageGate

Send Text and SMS Messages from Verizon EMAG
PageGate supports sending messages through Verizon's Enterprise Messaging Access Gateway (EMAG).

When registering on EMAG, we recommend registering for the WCTP, SNPP and SMTP API's. Registering for all three allows you to configure a failover system where PageGate can use WCTP to deliver via HTTPS as a primary method of delivery, then fail over to the point-to-point SNPP host is something goes wrong. If a negotiation with the SNPP host can't be made, it can then fail over to deliver via email/SMTP.

First, let's add the WCTP host:

1) Open the PageGate Admin.

2) Right click on Carriers, left click on Add.

3) Specify the following and click Apply:
Name: EMAG_WCTP (Note: This is arbitrary, you can assign any value you please)
Protocol: WCTP
Port: 443
Max Chars: 160

4) Go to Carriers - EMAG_WCTP - Advanced

5) Enter your EMAG WCTP API Username and Password in their appropriate fields.

6) Go to Carriers - EMAG_WCTP - Template

7) Specify the following in the 'Settings' section:
StripNonPrintable = True

8) Click Apply.

Now let's add the SNPP host:

1) Right click on Carriers, left click on Add.

2) Specify the following and click Apply:
Name: EMAG_SNPP (Note: This is arbitrary, you can assign any value you please)
Protocol: SNPP
Port: 444
Max Chars: 160

4) Go to Carriers - EMAG_SNPP - Advanced

5) Enter your EMAG SNPP API Username and Password, separated by a single space, in the Password field. For example, if your username is PGAdmin and your password is PageGateRules, you would use the following:
PGAdmin PageGateRules

6) Click Apply.

Now let's add the SMTP host:

1) Right click on Carriers, left click on Add.

2) Specify the following and click Apply:

Name: EMAG_SMTP (Note: This is arbitrary, you can assign any value you please)
Protocol: SMTP
Carrier Domain:
Port: Select the port required by your SMTP server.
Max Chars: 160

3) Go to Carriers - EMAG_SMTP - Advanced

4) Select: Deliver through outgoing mail server.

5) Enter your SMTP Server address in the 'Relay Server' field.

6) If authentication credentials are required, enter them in the Username and Password fields.

7) Click on Apply.

8) Go to Program - Template.

9) In the Settings section, set the InternetDomain = variable to your email domain.

10) Click Apply.

Now let's configure the failover chain:

1) Go to Carriers - EMAG_WCTP - Advanced.

2) Select 'EMAG_SNPP' in the Failover field.

3) Click Apply.

4) Go to Carriers - EMAG_SNPP - Advanced.

5) Select 'EMAG_SMTP' in the Failover field.

6) Click Apply.

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