ServiceNow Integration

Steps to Use ServiceNow with PageGate

Send Text and SMS Messages from ServiceNow
PageGate can easily be integrated with ServiceNow by using PageGate's GetWeb interface with an ad-hoc SMS configuration.

ServiceNow has the ability to issue a GET/POST web method when an SMS alert needs to be triggered; whether that's ticket creation, ticket escalation, password reset request, roster or schedule change or anything else your people need to know!

Before you configure things in ServiceNow, you'll need to prepare PageGate's GetWeb module. To do so, plase go through this video tutorial:

That prepares GetWeb to accept the notifications from ServiceNow.

Next, we'll need to prepare PageGate to send SMS. This can be done in a variety of ways and we'd recommend having a look at our video tutorial overview of how PageGate sends messages:

The final step in preparing PageGate for the ServiceNow notifications is to create an ad-hoc recipient:

1) Open PageGate Admin.

2) Right click Recipients, select 'Add'

3) Specify the following:
Full Name: adhoc
Recipient: adhoc
Type: Ad-Hoc
Carrier: Specify your SMS Carrier
Max Chars: Specify the number of characters you want to be able to send in a message. If this is greater than the 'Max Chars' value in the specified Carrier, PageGate will break up long messages in to multiple messages based on the Carrier 'Max Chars' value.

4) Click Apply.

Now that we have PageGate ready for the ServiceNow notifications, you'll need to configure ServiceNow to use this:

The four variables declared are:
USER - This will be a static reference to the ad-hoc recipient you created above. We do recommend naming it 'adhoc' but you can name it whatever you like; just be sure to reference that value in the USER= declaration.

SUBJECT - This will be the cell phone number (with no spaces or dashes) that needs to be messaged.

FRM - This is the "sender" value associated with the message

MSG - This is the message declaration itself.

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