New World CAD Integration

Steps to Use New World CAD with PageGate

Send Text and SMS Messages from New World CAD

PageGate can be easily integrated with New World CAD by configuring the CAD system to send SNPP messages in to PageGate's SNPP listener.

First, we'll need to enable the GetAscii module:

1) In Windows, create the directory: C:\PageGateData\Ascii\

2) Open the PG Admin.

3) Go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings.

4) Set the Polling Directory to: c:\PageGateData\Ascii\

5) Check Enabled.

6) Click on Apply.

6a) When prompted, you do want to enable this for all existing groups and recipients.

Next, we'll need to configure the SNPP listener:

1) Create the directory: C:\PageGateData\SNPP\

2) In Windows, browse in to the PageGate installation directory.

3) Move the snppserver.exe, pininfo.txt and snpp.ini files to the c:\PageGateData\SNPP\ folder.

4) The first thing we'll need to do is modify the snpp.ini file. Open the file in notepad.

To give you a little more information, this .ini file controls the behavior of the PageGate SNPP Server. If you are running the evaluation version of the PageGate SNPP Server, then it will stop itself every 3-5 days, and/or after 500 messages, whichever comes first.

5) Change the OutputFolder= value to c:\PageGateData\SNPP\

6) Change the LogFolder= value to c:\PageGateData\Logs\

7) Save the snpp.ini file and close notepad.


1) Open the pininfo.txt file in notepad.

2) This file contains valid PIN number information for the PageGate SNPP Server.

The format of the entries defined in this text file are:
"Starting_PIN", "Ending_PIN", "Ad-Hoc_Recipient"

If you would like PIN numbers in a range to be passed through to PageGate as the recipient's name (not using ad-hoc, but using numeric recipient names in PageGate), then use the text "PG_Recipient" .

For example, this line would tell the SNPP listener to accept all 10 digit ID's as recipients within PageGate:
"0000000001","9999999999", "PG_Recipient"

and this line would tell the SNPP listener to accept all 10 digit ID's but pass them through to an ad-hoc recipient:
"0000000001","9999999999", "YourAdHocRecipientName"

3) After you've finished adding all relevant entries, save and close the file.


Now, to set the SNPP Server to run as a Windows System Service, do the following:

1) Open a command prompt.

2) In the command prompt, change directory to the PageGate directory.

3) In the command prompt, type the following and hit enter:
snppserver /reinstall

4) Exit the command prompt.

5) Go to Start and click on Run in Windows.

6) Type the following and hit enter: net start pgsnppserver

This creates a new System Service in Windows for the PageGate SNPP Server and also starts the new System Service.

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