CADpage Integration

Steps to Use CADpage with PageGate

Send Text and SMS Messages from CADpage
PageGate can be easily integrated with CADpage using the following steps:

PageGate can be easily integrated with CADpage using the following steps:

1) Open the PG Admin.

2) Right click on Carriers, left click on Add.

3) Name the Carrier: CadPage

4) Set the following:

Protocol: SMTP
Carrier Domain: Enter the email domain of the CadPage system.
Max Chars: 600

5) Click on Apply.

To add a CadPage Recipient:

1) Open the PG Admin.

2) Right click on Recipients, left click on Add.

3) Give the Recipient a name.

4) Set the Carrier to: CadPage

5) In the ID/PIN field, enter the email address CadPage has provided.

6) Click Apply.

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Hanover, MA 02339