Sending SMS by Internet

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Note: To send SMS messages outside of the US and Canada, you will need to use cellular hardware or a message aggregation service. Carriers outside of the US and Canada typically do not support internet based SMS messaging.


Sending text messages with your internet connection can be done in a few ways; you can send text messages to cell phones directly through their carrier service or you can use a message aggregation service like I Am Responding, Active911, FireTextResponse, The Fire Horn, Clickatel, etc.


Sending an SMS through a carrier by your internet connection can be done with one of three protocols. Listed from most to least efficient, they are:





Of those protocols, most carriers in the US and Canada only support SMTP for free, public access and this is likely they protocol you'll use to configure most of your carriers.


Some cell phone carriers support SNPP and WCTP but these gateways are usually a part of the carrier's paid enterprise network, so you have to register with the necessary enterprise gateway to access those protocols. For example, Verizon's Enterprise Messaging Access Gateway (EMAG) supports SNPP and WCTP but you must be a registered member of EMAG to gain access to those priority hosts.


Click here to access the steps to create an SMTP carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create an SNPP carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create a WCTP carrier.


Sending an SMS through a message aggregation service can be done with one of six protocols. Listed from most to least efficient, they are:








Each message aggregation service has its own method of receiving data from PageGate. Some services, such as I Am Responding and FireTextResponse support receiving SMTP/Email where others like The Fire Horn support receiving data by HTTPGET/POST and others like Active911 support receiving data SNPP, while TigerText supports WCTP.


For detailed information on how to configure PageGate to use your message aggregation service, have a look at our integration page here.


Click here to access the steps to create an SMTP carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create an SNPP carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create an HTTPGET carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create an HTTPPOST carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create an SMTP carrier.

Click here to access the steps to create a RAWTCP carrier.