Prioritizing Messages

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PageGate allows you to prioritize your traffic by setting a priority value at both a carrier and recipient level. The Carrier level priority determines the order in which carriers should have their messages queued. The Recipient level priority determines the order in which recipients should receive their messages. The scale of priority is 1 (the most important) to 32000 (the least important). By default, all carriers and recipients start with a priority value of 100.


Entries that share a priority value are treated equally. Entries with lower values are treated as more important, entries with higher values are treated as less important.


The Carrier priority system tells PageGate whether certain carriers' messages should be delivered before others.


For example, let's say that you use I Am Responding and Active911's message aggregation service and that you also deliver regular email, SMS and pages through PageGate. If you set the priority value for I Am Responding and Active911 to something lower than the priority value for the other carriers, PageGate will always schedule the I Am Responding and Active911 messages to go out before anything else.


Carrier priority values are determined in a carrier's Advanced sub-section.


The Recipient priority system tells PageGate whether certain individual recipients should receive their messages before others.


For example, let's say that you had a list of 100 recipients and that we had 10 recipients who needed to receive their traffic before anyone else. If you set the priority value for those recipients to something lower than the priority value for the other recipients, PageGate will always schedule their messages first. To give a slightly more practical example, let's say that you have a dispatch supervisor or fire marshal or IT director that needed to be notified before anyone else in the system. You could edit the value of that recipient's Priority field to be lower than the other recipients and that would ensure that they always received their messages first.


Recipient priority values are determined in a recipient's Advanced sub-section.