Run Styles

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Run Styles

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PageGate can be configured to run in three different styles, depending on the operating system the PageGate Server is installed: Application and Windows Service.

Application - This style will run on any version of Windows. PageGate is started and stopped just like any other program and can be automatically run at startup by putting a shortcut to it in the Windows "Startup" group. The disadvantage to this run style, is that if the computer is configured to show a login screen at startup, PageGate cannot automatically start until someone logs onto the computer.


Windows Service - This option will run PageGate as a true Windows system service. Like other services, PageGate will start even if the computer is just sitting at the Windows login screen. Here are a few important notes regarding running PageGate as a Windows System service:


When switching the run style to a Service, you will be prompted for a user account and password for PageGate to use. You can leave both these fields blank to use the local computer's System Account (as long as PageGate's doesn't need to open files on another computer).


If you do need to supply a username and password when switching run styles, choose an account that has the 'Log on as a service' and 'Administrator' rights. The Windows administrator accounts do NOT have the 'Log on as a service' right by default. You must add this right manually to the user account you intend to use.

Follow these instructions to give an existing account 'Log on as a service' rights:


Go to Start - Settings - Control Panel.


In the Control Panel, open the Administrative Tools.


In the Administrative Tools, open the Local Security Settings.


Go to Local Policies - User Rights Assignment.


Find the "Log on as a service" option.


Right click "Log on as a service" and left click on Properties.


Left click on "Add User or Group".


Type the user account PageGate will be using.


Left click on Check Names.


Left click on OK.


Reboot the computer.

3. If you change the password on the account PageGate has been set to use, you must update it for each of PageGate's services. You can use the 'Services' utility from the Windows control panel to do this, or you can switch PageGate to run as an Application and then back to run as a NT service, so you will be re-prompted for the account information.

4. The account you choose to use with the PageGate service must have sufficient rights to access all directories setup in PageGate for its various functions (i.e. program files, database directory, log files, interface directories, etc).

5. Like many services, PageGate may not be completely started before you log in and get the Windows desktop. Be patient. On computers that load several services, it can take several minutes for all the services to start.

6. In the Windows 'Services' utility (found in the control panel), you will see several PageGate services installed. ONLY the one labeled 'PageGate' is set for automatic startup. This is by design and should not be changed.

7. Starting or stopping PageGate when it is running as a service can take several minutes, especially if it is in the middle of transmitting messages to a carrier. Please be patient.

8. You can easily start or stop PageGate's services be clicking on the pager icon in the system tray, and choosing 'Start' or 'Stop' from the menu.

9. If you are running PageGate's modules across more than one computer, each computer will run the 'PageGate' service along with the specific module(s) setup to run on that computer. In other words, there should only be a single instance of any module running, with the exception of the 'PageGate' service (which will be running on every computer).