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Log to Disk

When this option is checked, all events are written to the log files. Unchecking this option disables PageGate's logging.

Logging Level

There are three levels of detail for the PageGate logs: Summary, Detail, and Debug. Summary will only write basic information to the log files. Detail will write the specific commands sent and received. Debug will keep track of every command and response issue to and from PageGate.

Archive Logs

Enabling this option will allow the day's logs to be archived. When the midnight cleanup routine runs, instead of purging the log files, PageGate moves them to a sub-directory of the Logging Directory named the day's date.

Max Log Length

This field specifies how large the individual log files can become before old information is purged.

Use PG Monitor

This option specifies whether information is sent to the PageGate Monitor or not. If this option is not enabled, the PageGate Monitor will not display any information.

PG Monitor Port

This field specifies which TCP/IP port PageGate's data is sent on.

PG Monitor Host1 - Host3

These fields allow you to specify what additional systems can use the PageGate Monitor. Enter the LAN IP address of the systems you want PageGate to broadcast information to.


This button saves all recent changes to the Settings sub-section of Logging.