Creating a GSM-AT Carrier

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Creating a GSM-AT Carrier

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Open the PageGate Admin.



Right click on Carriers



Left click Add.




4. Name the Carrier what it needs to be (GSM1, GSM2, etc).


5. Set the Protocol to GSM-AT.


6. Set the baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits to the GSM Device's specifications.


NOTE: The industry standard for most GSM Devices is as follows:

Baud Rate: 115200

Parity: None

Data Bits: 8

Stop Bits: 1


7. Click in the init string field, not on the drowndown, and type in: AT+CSQ


8. Set the Max Chars to the maximum number of characters you wish to be sent in a transmission.


9. Click on Apply to add the carrier to your Carriers list.