Setup Overview

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Setup Overview

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There are two stages to the setup of the PageGate GUI Client.  The first stage is the setup of the PageGate Server.  The PageGate Server must be installed, setup, and running in order to use the PageGate GUI Client.  It should be installed and setup before attempting to run the PageGate GUI Client for the first time.  The second stage is the setup of the PageGate GUI Client application.


The PageGate GUI Client sends messages to and receives information from the PageGate Server via a shared database file (pagegate.mdb).  During the setup of the PageGate Server you are prompted for a location for this file.  The file should be placed in a location where both the PageGate Server and the PageGate GUI Client can access the file.  In other words, the database file (pagegate.mdb) should be in a shared network folder to which both the PageGate GUI Client and the PageGate Server have full rights.  The default location for this file is the PageGate Server's program directory.  To keep the file there and use the PageGate GUI Client, you must share the PageGate program folder on your network.


During the setup of the PageGate GUI Client, you are prompted for the 'Server Database'.  You must enter (or browse using the button with three dots) the full path to the pagegate.mdb file.  If the machine you installed the PageGate Server on was called 'pgserver', and you installed the server to a drive shared as c-drive, and the database was installed in it's default location, the full path would be:


\\pgserver\c-drive\program files\pagegate\