If your device has seen better days consider and is true "e-waste" there are a number of services that will recycle your cell phone free of charge.
Recycling the materials found in cell phones means less natural resources have to be used for new devices. The conservation as a result of recycling reduces the environmental impact of mining and extracting natural resources.
E-Stewards is a search engine to locate drop off locations for electronic waste. Enter your state and zipcode to locate a drop-off location near you.
Earth911 is a recycling search engine. With over 350 materials and more than 100,000+ listings, it is an extensive recycling database. Simply enter the material you wish to recycle along with your zip code and locate options for recycling/disposal.
RecycleMyCell is Canada's free recycling program for cell phones and mobile devices. RecycleMyCell is a industry initiative led by the CWTA or Canadian Wireless Telecommunciations Association. From the Recycle My Cell website you can locate a drop off location or print a prepaid shipping label.
Call2Recycle has become the go to location for disposing of cell phones and batteries. Founded in 1996 the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to recycling rechargeable batteries. They launched Call2Recycle, the largest battery recycling program in North America with 30,000 drop off locations throughout North America.
According to the EPA 35,274 lbs of copper, 772 lbs of silver, 75 lbs of gold, and 33 lbs of palladium can be recovered from every one million cell phones that are recycled. Cell phones have circuit boards and one ton of circuit boards can contain 40-800 times more gold than one metric ton of ore. There is 30-40 times more copper in a ton of recycled circuit boards that can be mined from one metric ton of ore.
Do your part and recycle any out dated cell phones and old portable electronics.
Article Date: May 5, 2020