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Message Flow Text Message Flow - Visual

PageGate - Text Message Flow Options

Message Flow Visual

5 Sample Text Message Flow Options:

Text Message Flow Option #1
An existing application or a web page triggers a text message, PageGate receives the message in and sends it out to the appropriate cell phone or device.

Text Message Flow Option #2
PageGate periodically polls a specific application or defined web page for text messages. PageGate sends the message to the appropriate cell phone or device.

Text Message Flow Option #3
An existing application or a web page triggers a text message. PageGate evaluates the contents of the message based on defined filter script parameters and reformats the data into the defined standard. The message is then sent to the appropriate cell phone or device.

Text Message Flow Option #4
PageGate periodically polls a specific application or defined web page for text messages. PageGate evaluates the contents of the message based on defined filter script parameters and reformats the data into the defined standard. The message is then sent to the appropriate cell phone or device.

Text Message Flow Option# 5
An existing application or a web page triggers a text message. PageGate evaluates the contents of the message based on defined filter script parameters and reformats the data into the defined standard. The message is then sent to the appropriate cell phone or device. The recipient of the message replies to the message, the PageGate filter script scans the message and routes it to the appropriate destination. PageGate delivers the reply, updates an API, executes a Batch File, Script or all of the above depending on setup.


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