Cellular phones and other mobile devices
often contain toxic materials that can pollute the environment.
The chemicals contained in the cell phones and electronics
are harmful to the health of both humans and animals.
Cell phones and their accessories contain a large number
of hazardous substances known as Persistent, Bioaccumulative,
and Toxic Chemicals (PBTs). Some of the chemicals contained
in the PBTs have been known to cause damage to nervous
systems, reproductive systems, and developmental systems,
as well as causing cancer.
When recycled properly, the materials
can be put back into circulation, reducing the health
risks to the community. The materials that are contained
in old cell phones can often be recycled and reused
to make a variety of other products. Additionally, in
order to comply with environmental protection regulations,
many countries have very specific requirements and methods
for disposing of cell phones, batteries, and other toxic
items. Rather than wrestling with disposal guidelines
yourself, it is often much easier to just sell or donate
old cell phones to a company qualified to recycle them.
-- Selling Cellular Phones
The following are companies and organizations
that will assist you with recycling or selling old cell
Sell your old cell phones for cash. SimplySellular offers
competitive prices for used cellphones. Older models
obviously bring less money than newer ones.
Gazelle buys and sells cell phones and other electronics
-- Donating Cellular Phones
The following are companies and organizations that will
assist you with donating old cell phones for good causes...
Collective Good
CollectiveGood accepts cell phone donations. The process
is very simple -- simply 1) select a charity, 2) submit
your contact information (so they can send you a tax
receipt), and 3) send in your phone or other donations.
CollectiveGood has a list of over 700 charities that
your donation can be credited toward.
American Cell Phone Drive
AmericanCellPhoneDrive.org raises funds for charitable
organizations. Their cellular phone collection drives
have also been used as fundraisers for schools and community
recreation programs. They have also been used to provide
working telephones and 911 service to at-risk individuals,
such as indigent senior citizens, who would otherwise
be without such phone service. To donate your cell phone
to AmericanCellPhoneDrive.org , simply go to their website
(listed below), enter your ZipCode in the box to find
an AmericanCellPhoneDrive.org donation center or box
near your home, and then just drop off your deactivated
cell phone.
Cell Phones For Soldiers
Cell Phones for Soldiers is working to turn old cell
phones into minutes of prepaid calling cards for US
troops stationed overseas. Cell Phones for Soldiers
collects a large number of old cellular phones each
month through a network of more than 3,000 collection
sites across the country. The phones are then sent to
the ReCellular company, which pays Cell Phones for Soldiers
for each donated phone. The payments from ReCellular
are then used to purchase talk-time for soldiers abroad.
Fundraising can be made easy. Just donate old cell phones
for cash and become an eco-friendly fundraiser. http://www.eco-cell.org/
Recycling For Charities
Donate your old cell phone, PDA, digital camera, or
iPod to be recycled, and benefit the charity of your
Most of the final cell phone collection sites repair
the cell phones that can be restored to working condition.
Unrepairable phones are broken down and recycled, in
accordance with all state and federal regulations governing
the disposal of toxic cell phone components.
NotePage is making an effort to be environmentally
friendly. Imagine the difference each of us can make
if we just do our part!