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Sending SMS to the UK

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Rob Castle

Joined: 10 Oct 2018
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Location: Louisville KY

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:49 pm    Post subject: Sending SMS to the UK Reply with quote

I was just placed in charge of SolarWinds in my organization and we are looking to create SMS notifications to all of our developers and engineers across the globe. I have been able to send out notifications using most carriers sms gateway but seems like some of the carriers in the UK do not provide the service so we are looking at a 3rd party solution which is why im posting here. NotePage seems to cover all areas were looking for but im not clear if I will be able to send text alerts to carriers like EE and Vodafone, any chance someone might be able to explain if and how it can be done with NotePage or point me to some documentation? Thanks!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


We can certainly assist with that and I'd like to break this down in to two sections, input and output.

On the input side of things, configuring PageGate to work with Solarwinds is incredibly easy to do. You can find the installation steps here:

and you can find the Solarwinds integration video tutorial here:

On a related note, you may also be interested in our video tutorial library in general:

Now let's get to the output side of things. Once Solarwinds gives PageGate the message to deliver, there are a few delivery methods you could use to send the messages.

Most UK and European SMS providers don't support internet-to-SMS gateways, so you'll need to use cellular hardware to send the SMS.

Cellular hardware comes in two varieties: modem and gateway

Cellular modems connect to the system via USB or RS-232.

Cellular modems function like any other network router but they also have a cell radio on board that can be used to send and receive SMS. These devices can be reached by IP and it generally makes them a lot easier to deal with in virtual environments and with virtual servers.

I don't know the specific model numbers for the devices our other UK/EU clientele are using, unfortunately, but I can say that there are really only two important things:

1) Can the device be reached by COM port or IP address (telnet or SSH is fine)?

2) Does it support a command language to send SMS?

If it can, you can use that device with PageGate.

So, from start to finish, Solarwinds will trigger a message in PageGate, which will then interact with either the cellular modem or router to broadcast the SMS to the necessary recipients.

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Rob Castle

Joined: 10 Oct 2018
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Location: Louisville KY

PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perfect, that is the information I needed! Do you have any recommendations for any USB or RS-232 cell modems?

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Tech Support

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I can name specific makes and models that I know work well in the US and Canada but while we do have EU and UK clients that use the program, they haven't followed up to let me know which specific hardware they implemented.

The devices that have worked well are:

Airlink/Sierra Wireless:




Comparing what I know of those devices to some similar models in the UK, you might try Vigor's 2860Ln, Cisco's 880G or 890G, or anything similar to them. I will say that these are just recommendations based on a few searches as those devices support the AT command set for sending/receiving SMS and also support connections via telnet/ssh.

You wouldn't want to use a Netgear device, though, as they disable the AT command set and don't support it for most of their models.

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