Variables for WCTP

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These variables control how PageGate implements the WCTP protocol.

It is recommended to set these on a Carrier level.

NOTE: When referencing any non-printable character, such as a line feed, carriage return, horizontal tab or similar, you must use the ASCII code for that character and it must be prefixed by a backslash (\).



Description and Possible Values


This variable tells PageGate to include the sendResponsesToID field in the message envelope. A value of 'none' will instead send an allowResponse field with the value of 'false'

Example: WCTPResponsesTo =


This variable determines the domain name PageGate will pass during the WCTP negotiation sequence.


Example: InternetDomain =


If this variable has already been implemented for SMTP/Email, it does not need to be specified again at a carrier level unless the receiving WCTP host requires you to specify a domain name other than your email domain.


This variable overrides the value passed to PageGate by the input modules/APIs. By specifying this variable, you're telling PageGate to use a single, standardized sender's name for all traffic controlled by this template.


Example: From = CAD


This variable overrides the ID/PIN or Email values. By specifying this variable, you're telling PageGate to send all traffic processed by this template to the specified ID or Email address instead.


Example: To = 7818290500


This variable is similar to the 'From' variable found above. However, this setting will only change who the message is reported to be from during the communication session with the carrier.  It has no effect the message content or values specified by any Macro.


Set to True or False. Example: EnvelopeFromAsEmail = True

This variable forces the EnvelopeFrom value to be turned into an valid email address if it isn't already. This variable only applies to the SMTP and WCTP protocols.

If this variable is not present in the template, a False value is assumed.


Set this to a number of milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).


This variable tells PageGate to delay for the specified number of milliseconds after delivering each message.