Supported Scripts

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It's quite easy to use a script to pass information to GetWeb's CGI executable. Below, you'll find examples of both Linux and Powershell scripts to use as a guide:


Linux Script


# set each part of the URL to send

UrlToCgi=$(printf "")

RecipientVar=$(printf "?USER=")

Recipient=$(printf "pageyou")

SenderVar=$(printf "&FRM=")

Sender=$(printf "fromme")

MessageVar=$(printf "&MSG=")

# set message to all the text sent on the command line


# url encode message text

Message=$(php -r "echo urlencode(\"$Message\");")

# build the request URL


# send the request

wget -O- "$FullUrl"


Powershell Script

# set each part of the URL to send







# set message to all the text sent on the command line


# url encode message text


# build the request URL

$FullUrl=$UrlToCgi + $RecipientVar + $Recipient + $SenderVar + $Sender + $MessageVar + $Message

# send the request

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $FullUrl