Promptless Automatic Installation

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Promptless Automatic Installation

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Promptless Automatic Installation

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Any part of PageGate can be installed unattended. This helps network administrators to automate the program's installation.


1)Start the PageGate setup program as usual (see above).


2)When the list of installation options screen is shown, exit the installation.


3)Browse in to the c:\Users\<your_user>\AppData\Local\Temp\ directory.


4) Copy the 'PGSetup' folder to another location.


5)Use the following command line syntax to run a promptless install.


pgssetup.exe - PageGage Server installer (includes PG Admin and PG Monitor)

pgcsetup.exe - PageGate Client installer (for workstations)

pgasetup.exe - PageGate Admin installer (for workstations)

pgmsetup.exe - PageGate Monitor installer (for workstations)


Command line options:


Installs without prompts. Does display progress screens, will prompt for reboot if necessary.


Installs without prompts, display screens and will reboot without prompting, if necessary.


This flag prevents the installation from rebooting, even if necessary.

/dir ="x:\dirname"

This flag overrides the default installation directory.

/group="folder name"

This flag overrides the default Windows Start Menu group name.


This flag will prevent the installation from creating the desktop icons for the program.


The <path> option should be replace with the path to where you copied the 'PGSetup' folder in step #2 above.


Here is an example of a promptless install of the PageGate server if the PGSetup folder was copied to C:\


C:\PGSetup\pgssetup.exe /silent /dir="c:\PageGate"


That command line would install the PageGate server to c:\PageGate\ without prompting for information, would display the progress screens and would prompt to reboot the system if necessary.