Advanced Polling Notes

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Advanced Polling Notes

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Advanced Polling Notes

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Single Character Wildcard

Matches any single character. The defulat Single Character Wildcard is ?

Multiple Character Wildcard

Matches any string of characters. The default Multiple Character Wildcard is *

End of Record Symbol

Matches the end of the file, or the end of the record (if a record has already been found). The Default End of Record Symbol is ~

Ascii Value Delimiter

Designates that the next 3 characters are numbers and are the decimal value of a character (i.e. \013 = carriage-return, \092 = backslash)

Start Pattern

The pattern of characters that, if found, designate the start of the data being looked for. If a match is found, the extracted data will start with the first character in the Start Pattern.

Start Offset

The number of characters to skip over at the beginning of the data, after a match has been found. Negative numbers can be used to include characters before the Start Pattern position (see special note below for -999 value)

End Pattern

The pattern of characters that, if found, designate the end of the data being looked for. If a match is found, the extracted data will end with the last character in the End Pattern string.

End Offset

The number of characters to include, past the end of the data, after a match has been found. Negative numbers can be used to skip characters before the End Pattern position (see special note below for -999 value)

Lookup Table

After valid data has been found, the Lookup Table feature can be used to change that data. Patterns are looked for, and then replaced with new text. The Single Character Wildcard, Multiple Character Wildcard, and Ascii Value Delimiter, can all be used for the Data In field (search pattern).


Note: the value -999 has special meaning, and is typically used in conjunction with the use of the Multiple Character Wildcard in the search strings.


If -999 is used as a Start Offset, an offset of one character past the string that matches the start pattern, is used. This will cause the number of characters that were found to match the Start Pattern, to be skipped, even though the actual number of characters in the Start Pattern matching string aren't know ahead of time.


If -999 is used as an End Offset, an offset of one character before the string that matches the end pattern, is used. This will cause the number of characters that were found to match the End Pattern, to be skipped, even though the actual number of characters in the End Pattern matching string aren't know ahead of time.