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The two options under the File menu are Setup and Exit. Selecting the Exit option will close the GUI Client. Selecting Setup will allow you to modify the base settings of the current installation of the GUI Client.


When selecting the Setup option, you will be presented with the following options menu:






Server Database

This should be the path to the PageGate Server's Database. This can be either a local path (if you're running the GUI Client on the same system as the PageGate Server) or a network path.

Preset Msgs File

If you have configured any preset messages, this should be the path to the Preset messages. This can either be a local path or a network path.

Sender's Name

By default, this field is set to %LoginName% - This value will use the username of whoever is currently logged into Windows as the Sender's Name messages sent from the GUI Client. This field can also be set to a static value such as Tech, Sales, Jeremy, Lamar, etc.


If you have configured any Display Groups for the PageGate Server, you can specify the Display Group this installation of the GUI Client is locked to. By selecting a Display Group, this installation of the GUI Client will only list those recipients that are members of the Display Group.

Station Number

The Station Number is a unique identifying number for this GUI Client and allows the PageGate Admin to track how many messages this instance of the GUI Client has sent and to whom the messages were sent. If you are performing multiple GUI Client installations, make sure that no two installations of the GUI Client have the same Station Number.

Update Frequency

This field determines how often (in seconds) the GUI Client posts data to the PageGate Database.

Max Msg Length

This field determines how many characters can be typed in the Message field of the GUI Client.

Enable Spell Check

By enabling this option, the GUI Client will automatically spellcheck any messages typed. This option requires MS Word to be installed.

Display Options

Click on this button to view the Display Options.

Use these settings for current user only

Set this option if each Windows User needs to have their own copy of the GUI Client configured.

Use these settings for all local users

Set this option if you want these settings to be saved for all Windows Users who log in to this workstation.