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PageGate is designed to be a highly modular application. This design allows PageGate's modules to be run across multiple computers. The following installation information covers installation of PageGate on a single computer. For information on installing and running PageGate across multiple computers, please refer to the section titled 'Advanced Installation'.


In a PageGate Server installation, the following modules are installed:


PageGate Server - This is the control module for PageGate. It is constantly running in the background whenever the PageGate application is running. It monitors, starts, and stops the other PageGate modules.


PageGate Scheduler - This module processes all messages sent by PageGate. It manages scheduled and repeating messages, in addition to scheduling the delivery of each message by a Connector.


PageGate Connectors - The Connectors are responsible for the actual delivery of the messages to a paging carrier(s).


PageGate Interfaces - These modules (GetAscii, GetMail, GetWeb, GetTAP, GetSerial, and GUI) accept messages from various sources, into the PageGate application.

PageGate Add-ons - Additional server processes than can be run to accept messages into the PageGate Server: SNPP Server Add-on, Touch-Tone Receiver Add-on (require the GetAscii interface for operation)

PageGate Admin - The administration program is used to setup, control, and maintain the PageGate application.


PageGate Monitor - The monitoring application allows for real-time monitoring of the PageGate application from the local machine, or from any other workstation that is connected to the paging server via TCP/IP.