Recipient List

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Recipient List

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The 'Recipient List' listbox is displayed on the PageGate GUI Client's main screen.  It lists recipients (pagers) that can be chosen to send messages to.  Recipients are listed alphabetically by the recipient's full name.  Groups are listed before single recipients.  Recipients must be added to the PageGate paging server application before they are available to PageGate GUI Client.  There are two different recipient lists maintained by PageGate GUI Client.  The current list being displayed is indicated by the word next to the 'Recipient List' label.  It will read either '(network)' or '(local)'.  The network recipient list displays all recipients setup in the PageGate server.  A local recipient list can be setup by choosing 'Local Recipients' from the 'Tools' menu.  You may want to add commonly used recipients into your local recipient list to save time scrolling through the entire network recipient list.  You can switch between the local recipient list and the network recipient list by clicking on the 'Recipient List' label, clicking on the '(network)' or '(local)' labels, or by choosing 'Local Recipients' or 'Network Recipients' from the 'View' menu.  Recipients are moved from the 'Recipient List' to the 'Selected Recipients' list by clicking on the recipient's name.  You can also select recipients by typing the first few letters in their name and hitting <ENTER>.  This only works if the 'Recipient List' is the active control (has the focus).  Set the focus to the 'Recipient List' by right-clicking anywhere in the recipient list box.  Once a recipient is selected, it is moved from the 'Recipient List' box to the 'Selected Recipients' box.