Importing Groups from a Text File

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To import a Comma Separated Values text file in to NotePager Pro to add or update Groups, the file must be formatted very, very specifically.


The specific data structure of each record is as follows:





Description and Values


This field declares the version of the import file and should be set to: 500


This field assigns the Short Name of the group to be imported. Names should be assigned with alphanumeric characters. Special characters such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = [ ] { } / ? \ | ; : ' " , < > and spaces are disallowed from this field. Underscores and dashes can be used.


This field assigns the Full Name of the group to be imported. Names should be assigned with alphanumeric characters. Special characters such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = [ ] { } / ? \ | ; : ' " < > are disallowed from this field. Spaces, commas, underscores and dashes can be used.


This field is not used in the Groups import and should be set to a blank string value ("").


This field is not used in the Groups import and should be set to a blank string value ("").


This field should have a value of: 1024


This field should have a value of: #FALSE#


For the Groups import, this field determines whether the On-Call property should be enabled.


If this Group should be configured as an On-Call group, set this value to: #TRUE#


If this Group should be NOT configured as an On-Call group, set this value to: #FALSE#


NOTE: Configuration of the On-Call schedule must be done from within the NotePager Pro interface and cannot be configured as part of an import file.


This field should have a value of: #FALSE#


This field should have a value of: #FALSE#


For the Groups import, set this value to: #TRUE#


This field should have a value of: #FALSE#


This field should have a value of: #FALSE#


This field corresponds to the Comment1 field within a group's settings. If you want to leave a comment about this group, enter it here.


This field corresponds to the Comment2 field within a group's settings. If you want to leave a secondary comment about this group, enter it here.


This field value must be set to a value from 1 to 100, with 1 representing the highest priority. The default value all carriers and recipients is 100, however, numbers larger than 100 can be used. The default value is 100.


This is an example of an import line that would import a group with a short name of priority_one, a full name of Priority One:

"500","priority_one","Priority One","","","1024",#FALSE#,#FALSE#,#FALSE#,#FALSE#,#TRUE#,#FALSE#,#FALSE#,"","","100"