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Responding to a txt from PageGate?

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Joined: 06 Jun 2018
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:57 pm    Post subject: Responding to a txt from PageGate? Reply with quote

I thought I recalled reading on your website somewhere that it was possible to respond to a txt sent via PageGate, but that it might require different kind of hardware? I don't seem to be able to find the info again.

We're a long time PageGate user and there's a unique project I want to try with Pagegate.

I use page gate to harvest and email. That email is convert to txt and sent out to a small team of cell phones as SMS txt through PageGate.

I currently do this via HTTPPOST using ZipWhip's API (within PageGate).


Is it possible, just utilizing PageGate and an Internet connection, to respond to a txt sent from PageGate with simple boolean values? Like yes or no?

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It is entirely possible to receive responses to the messages you send in some configurations. How you deliver your traffic will play a large part in determining whether or not you can receive replies.

Note: At minimum, these methods require the GetASCII interface to process the received data but you may also need or want the filter pack for more specific control of the responses and replies.

Currently, PageGate accepts reply messages in the following ways:

HTTP response by API or Protocol
PageGate has an HTTP data receiver (webdata.exe) that can receive input from nearly any API or protocol that offers an HTTP return like HTTP GET, HTTP POST and WCTP.

APIs and protocols that have the ability to send replies require that you provide a URL for the responses to go to. This means that, typically speaking, you will need to host PageGate's webdata.exe on an outward facing web server. Otherwise, the hosts won't be able to route the replies and responses to you.

In your case, if ZipWhip's API has the ability to pass return data via GET or POST method, you could absolutely have replies passed back in to the system.

Cellular Hardware
When using cellular hardware to deliver text messages, the people who receive those SMS have the option to reply to them. When they reply, their message is delivered back to the sending cellular device, where it waits in memory. PageGate can be configured to check the cellular hardware for reply messages received by these devices and process them in a number of ways.

In the most basic configuration, all reply messages are sent to a specific recipient or group. However, reply messages can be fed through the GetASCII API for basic processing, which allows you to conditionally modify what is done with the replies in some circumstances.

Using a Filter Pack in conjunction with the SMS replies and the GetASCII API allows you to modify any part of the replies being processed, from what the message should say to whom the message should be delivered. It also allows you to implement conditional modifications. For example, if a certain word or keyphrase appears in the body of the message, you could have the filter pack completely change who that message is intended to go to.

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh that sounds great. Slightly above my head at the moment, but I should be able to slowly figure things out.

Is there documentation for these types of paths? Would it be located roughly in: or ?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You can find video tutorials on cellular hardware based two-way messaging in the 'Two Way Messaging' section of the video tutorials and current documentation.

Receiving API calls to webdata.exe is fully documented in our upcoming Pagegate version 9 documentation. However, since version 8.4 has the webdata handler, this is also relevant for versions 8.4.1, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3:

PageGate has an HTTP data receiver (webdata.exe) that can receive input from nearly any API or protocol that offers an HTTP return like HTTP GET, HTTP POST and WCTP.

This allows you to receive JSON, XML, HTML, WCTP and similar data submissions via HTTP/S request. Received data doesn't need to conform to a single standard as it is fully processed with the GetASCII interface and, optionally depending on what you want to do with the received data, Filter Pack. If you want to receive multiple data formats, the Filter Pack isn't optional and you will need to implement a filtering system to tell PageGate what to do with each format received.

APIs and protocols that have the ability to send replies require that you provide a URL for the responses to go to. This means that, typically speaking, you will need to host PageGate's webdata.exe on an outward facing web server. Otherwise, the hosts won't be able to route the replies and responses to you.

webdata.exe is located in the PageGate program directory and MUST be copied to the webserver. If PageGate is not running on the web server hosting webdata.exe, you'll also need to share the directory on the webserver where webdata.exe is hosted to allow the GetASCII interface to monitor replies sent to the receiver.

Before you begin, you'll need to determine what you want to do with the replies.

Do you want to auto-respond to the person who sent the message to let them know that they shouldn't reply?

Do you want to scan the reply for keywords and keyphrases to determine what to do?

What you want to do will determine which parts of the received data need to be keyed on. Since each API has its own potentially unique structure, you'll need to know which flags, tags and fields are relevant.

Reply messages can also be fed through PageGate's Filter Pack to allow for conditional sending. For instance, with the PageGate's filter pack, you can tell PageGate to conditionally change who receives the message based on what the text in the reply is. As an example, you could configure a filter system so that any time the word lunch shows up in a reply message, that reply is sent to the cafeteria group instead of the general replies group.

You could configure a system where replies from a certain phone number will always be copied to certain recipients or groups.

You could configure a system where certain keywords or phrases are replaced with other keywords or phrases. For example, you could translate a code like PD4N in to 4th Precinct.

You could configure a system to describe every element I've just described all at once.

Step 1: Host webdata.exe on your web server
The first thing you'll need to do is host webdata.exe on your web server to provide the return URL for your API or WCTP host. The following steps are for IIS but this can be done with any web server suite.

1) Copy webdata.exe from the PageGate program directory to your server's scripting directory.

2) Open the IIS Admin and select the server object.

3) Open Handler Mappings.

4) Right click CGI-exe, left click Edit Feature Permissions

5) Check Execute.

6) Click OK.

7) Select the Server object again.

8) Open ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.

9) Right click in the box and select Add.
10) Specify the following and click OK:
ISAPI or CGI path: Specify the location of webdata.exe
Description: PageGate API Handler
Check 'Allow extension path to execute'

Step 1a: Share the folder webdata.exe is hosted in
If PageGate is not running on the server hosting webdata.exe, you will need to share the directory where webdata.exe is hosted to allow the GetASCII interface to parse replies sent to the receiver.

Step 2: Configure GetASCII to process the received data
Each API and protocol will have a unique structure to the data returned to your server and you'll need to tell PageGate how to interpret the data and what to do with it in general.

To do that, you'll want to configure an 'Advanced Polling' rule:
1) Open PG Admin.

2) Expand Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings - Advanced Polling

3) Click Files.

4) Click Add.

5) Specify the following and click Apply:
Recipient: *
From: Leave Blank
File(s): *.asc
Path: The path to the folder webdata.exe is stored in on the web server.
Example: \\WebServer01\pgscripts\
File Type: Custom

NOTE: If you will be implementing a filtering system, you will do so at this point. For more information, please see PageGate's Filter Script documentation.

6) Go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings - Advanced Polling - Record

7) Specify the following and click Apply:
Start Pattern: *
Start Offset: 0

End Pattern: ~
End Offset: 0

8) Go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings - Advanced Polling - Recipient. This section tells PageGate where in the data to look for the recipient or group this reply should go to.

9) Select 'Dynamic Recipient' and configure the parameters.
For example, let's say you're working with the WCTP protocol and want to auto-respond to the person who sent the message. In WCTP, you can key off of senderID="Value".

As another example, let's say you're receiving an XML form and one of the tags will determine who needs to receive the reply. You would key off of <XML Tag>Value</XML Tag>.

Start Pattern: This value determines the first character in the recipient block.
For example, if you're working with WCTP and want to key off of senderID="Value". You would use senderID=" as the Start Pattern.

As another example, if you're working with XML and want to key off of
<XML Tag>Value</XML Tag>. You would use <XML Tag> as the Start Pattern.

Start Offset: The number of characters in the start pattern.

End Pattern: This value determines the last character in the recipient block.
For example, if you're working with WCTP and are using senderID=" as the Start Pattern, you would use " as the End Pattern.

As another example, if you're working with XML are using <XML Tag> as the Start Pattern, you would use </XML Tag> as the End Pattern.

End Offset: The negative value of the number of characters in the End Pattern.
Examples: -1, -10, etc

10) Go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings - Advanced Polling - Sender. This section tells PageGate where in the data to look for the sender value.

For most implementations, you can select 'Static Sender' and specify a sender value. However, if the sender's name will be contained in the data read, you can select 'Dynamic Sender' and parameters are configured similarly to the recipient section.

Start Pattern: This value determines the first character in the sender block.
For example, if you're working with WCTP and want to use the value in senderID="Value". You would use senderID=" as the Start Pattern.

As another example, if you're working with XML and want to key off of
<XML Tag>Value</XML Tag>. You would use <XML Tag> as the Start Pattern.

Start Offset: The number of characters in the start pattern.

End Pattern: This value determines the last character in the sender block.
For example, if you're working with WCTP and are using senderID=" as the Start Pattern, you would use " as the End Pattern.

As another example, if you're working with XML are using <XML Tag> as the Start Pattern, you would use </XML Tag> as the End Pattern.

End Offset: The negative value of the number of characters in the End Pattern.
Examples: -1, -10, etc

11) Go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings - Advanced Polling - Message. This section tells PageGate what in the data should be considered the message and also allows for basic reformatting of messages.

12) Select 'Dynamic Message' and configure the parameters.

If you want everything in the received data to be considered the message, you would use a Start Pattern of * and an End Pattern of ~.

Start Pattern: This value determines the first character in the message block.
For example, if you're working with WCTP and want to use the value in the
<wctp-Alphanumeric> tag, you would use <wctp-Alphanumeric> as the Start Pattern.

As another example, if you're working with XML and want to key off of
<XML Tag>Value</XML Tag>. You would use <XML Tag> as the Start Pattern.

Start Offset: The number of characters in the start pattern.

End Pattern: This value determines the last character in the sender block.
For example, if you're working with WCTP and are using <wctp-Alphanumeric> as the Start Pattern, you would use </wctp-Alphanumeric> as the End Pattern.

As another example, if you're working with XML are using <XML Tag> as the Start Pattern, you would use </XML Tag> as the End Pattern.

End Offset: The negative value of the number of characters in the End Pattern.
Examples: -1, -10, etc

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