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Guidance for SNMP Trap Alerts

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Joined: 27 Oct 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:17 pm    Post subject: Guidance for SNMP Trap Alerts Reply with quote

I would like to send a page from the Solarwinds SNMP Trap Viewer, which is different from the Orion Alert Manager. I have the Orion server sending pages with no problems from Alerts created in Alert Manager using the "Dial Paging or SMS Server" option specified on your support website.

However when I attempt to do the same from the SNMP Trap Viewer, I do not have the option to "Dial Paging or SMS Server". Is there a CLI syntax, or script I need to use instead to be able to send a page from an SNMP trap?

Alternatively, is there a way PageGate can function as an SMTP relay to accept an SMTP message and then in turn send that through the USB Modem via SMS?

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PageGate supports either option. There is a command line executable with associated syntax and PageGate can also be configured to function as an SMTP relay.

PageGate's command line executable is sendpage32.exe and resides within the base GetASCII polling directory. To determine that location, open PG Admin and go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings.

The syntax is as follows:
<location>\sendpage32.exe <recipient> <sender> <message>

For example, let's say we have sendpage32.exe in c:\PageGateData\Orion\ and that we want to send a message to a group named it_alerts from the sender TrapViewer that should say this is a test. You would use this command line:

c:\PageGateData\Orion\sendpage32.exe it_alerts TrapViewer This is a test

Alternatively, you can use PageGate's GetMail interface to configure PageGate's mail server functions to host a sub-domain off of the existing email domain. For example, let's say your domain is; you could create or or and redirect its MX record to the PageGate server. At that point, every recipient and group becomes a valid email address on the new sub-domain.

For example, let's say we have a group of recipients called it_alerts. We could send an email to it_alerts@yoursubdomain.yourdomain.etc and PageGate would send that to the members of the it_alerts, whether they were cell phones, pagers, executing a powershell script, updating social media, etc.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, just to note it, you can copy the sendpage32.exe anywhere you like and create an Advanced Polling rule to monitor that location in GetAscii.

To do so, find sendpage32.exe in the PageGate program directory or the GetAscii polling directory and copy it to the new location. If that's on a separate system, share the folder on that server with whatever permissions are appropriate to grant read/write/modify access to the PageGate server.

Then, open PG Admin and go to Interfaces - GetAscii - Settings - Advanced Polling - Files and add a new entry with the following:
Recipient: *
From: Leave Blank
File(s): *.asc
Path: The path you copied sendpage32.exe to, whether local or UNC to a network share
File Type: Standard

Click Apply, then click Apply again and that configures GetAscii to monitor the new location in addition to the base polling directory.

Also, if GetAscii will be reading information from a network resource, you will need to assign a service account to the PageGate GetAscii service to grant it permission to access it.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the help. I was able to get the Solarwinds Trap Alert trigger to send out using the send32 syntax you provided and the ${variable} from the trap message as the body/message.

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