Joined: 04 Sep 2015 Posts: 1 Location: South Bend, Indiana
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:21 am Post subject: Text to phone from VBA page |
I have the following code to send a specific message to users on a business website
What do I use for SMS provider instead of txt2day ????
YourMobileNumber="000000000" ' your cell phone number with area code
txtMessage = "Check+Requests"
' ---------------- uses txt2day references ----------------
DataToSend = "refer=txt2day&status=index&to="&YourMobileNumber&provider=uscell&message=txtMessage&terms=checked&submit=submit
dim xmlhttp
set xmlhttp = server.Createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
'replace localhost with the server you would like to post to
xmlhttp.Open "POST","http://www.txt2day.com/newsend.php",false
'set header to tell the receiving we are posting form data
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
xmlhttp.send DataToSend 'send data in the form of a query string
Response.ContentType = "text"
Response.write xmlhttp.responseText
Set xmlhttp = nothing
Appreciate any help