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  Topic: Responding to a txt from PageGate?

Replies: 3
Views: 17793

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 10:45 pm   Subject: Responding to a txt from PageGate?
Oh that sounds great. Slightly above my head at the moment, but I should be able to slowly figure things out.

Is there documentation for these types of paths? Would it be located roughly in: or ?
  Topic: Responding to a txt from PageGate?

Replies: 3
Views: 17793

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:57 pm   Subject: Responding to a txt from PageGate?
I thought I recalled reading on your website somewhere that it was possible to respond to a txt sent via PageGate, but that it might require different kind of hardware? I don't seem to be able to find the info again.

We're a long time PageGate user and there's a unique project I want to try with Pagegate.

I use page gate to harvest and email. That email is convert to txt and sent out to a small team of cell phones as SMS txt through PageGate.

I currently do this via HTTPPOST using ZipWhip's API (within PageGate).

Is it possible, just utilizing PageGate and an Internet connection, to respond to a txt sent from PageGate with simple boolean values? Like yes or no?
  Topic: Migrating PageGate 8 to PageGate 8

Replies: 1
Views: 5198

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:53 pm   Subject: Migrating PageGate 8 to PageGate 8
Hi guys.

Last technical question hopefully.

My current setup: A physical Windows 7 machine on PageGate 8 that works.

I have a new AWS running Windows Server 2016 on PageGate 8.

I've been going through forum searches on "migration" to look for answers/guidance.

This seems to be one of the best bits of info:

What I'm wondering if is there anything along the lines of an "export every single thing that exists" button :) or will I have to export everything in bits?

My concern is missing any small important bits the reside in the old server and will indeed be needed in the new server.
  Topic: PageGate and curl

Replies: 9
Views: 15143

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:36 pm   Subject: PageGate and curl
Sorry about the delay (again).

I wanted to report success with your latest assistance.

Updating my physical server to the very latest PageGate build (and that matched my virtual server) resolved all the httppost/httpget issues I was suffering.

Thanks again a whole bunch guys!
  Topic: PageGate and curl

Replies: 9
Views: 15143

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:41 pm   Subject: PageGate and curl
I'm back.

So the above mentioned bits was a simple test in a virtual environment.

I went back to my live functioning server and built the Carrier (as done in my virtual test environment) and married up the new Carrier to just two individuals. (I wanted to start with a very small controlled test on the live server).

I've been getting failures constantly. Not a single success. I can submit a partial log that might hopefully point me in the right direction? Or I can email an more complete log if that would help. (It has a sensitive information I'd rather not post).

Basically I'm looking for clues on where to start troubleshooting this:

9/21/2018 7:02:16 PM Carrier retry limit reached. Marking pending messages as bad

Ideas? Or not enough data to even make a guess?
  Topic: PageGate and curl

Replies: 9
Views: 15143

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:42 pm   Subject: PageGate and curl
Oh! That nailed it!

I finally got my first success. (on my virtual test environment).

Next is AWS hosting PageGate and using Web API via Zipwhip for the real test. If I remember, I'll post success. You can add it to your list of things that worked! :)

Thanks for the assist guys!
  Topic: PageGate and curl

Replies: 9
Views: 15143

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:40 pm   Subject: PageGate and curl
I'm going over more variables:

My settings for the Carrier are:

Carrier: Random Name
Protocol: HTTPPOST
Port: 443
Max Chars: 160

My Current Template is as follows:


*Note: that session string is a fake, just for the purpose of letting you see how it would look as far as syntax/layout.

I do a test message to my single recipient (my phone)

Monitoring PG Monitor on Connector1 - autoscroll I get the following:
  Topic: PageGate and curl

Replies: 9
Views: 15143

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:58 pm   Subject: PageGate and curl
I'm assuming that it [i]could[/i] look something like this:

|session|unique session key|

My challenge seems to be that ZipWhip API only seems valid for: cURL, jQuery, Ruby, Python Requests, Node, PHP, and Go.

The PageGate tutorial only mentions: XML, JSON, and Forms.
  Topic: PageGate and curl

Replies: 9
Views: 15143

PostForum: PageGate Support   Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:54 pm   Subject: PageGate and curl
I'm still working on our PageGate project (migrating away from physical machine and physical modems).

I have my server up and running on AWS (this is functioning fine). I've been doing tests with Web API.

Bandwidth has completely failed and will not function as documented in the PageGate tutorials. Clickatell has never returned my emails (I've sent several).

ZipWhip has been kind enough to work with me, but I find I'm still running into hiccups.

I'm trying to utilize the information here:

My API information, in curl format, is like this:

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data 'session=&contacts=&body='

Now if I do this from CLI in Linux or even something like Git Bash, everything works fine.

I'm trying to translate this into PG Admin in the Carriers section and I'm just banging my head against the keyboard.

I'm fairly certain that my mess is in the Text section of the Template under Carriers.

Any advice or "ah-ha" moments you can share with me?
  Topic: PageGate and sending txt messages

Replies: 1
Views: 16854

PostForum: General Questions and Announcements   Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:13 pm   Subject: PageGate and sending txt messages
Hey Forum Folk.

I'm working on a potential project and I'm wondering if a function/feature is possible.

I have an old physical PageGate server that I'm taking over. It sends outbound messages via physical landlines over two modems.

What I'm researching is if it is possible to send outbound messages, to cell phones, if my PageGate server is hosted on an AWS server. My server skills are strong, but my SMS/PageGate skills are weak (I'm new to it and learning).

What I'd like to know is if I can send outbound messages from this environment without any physical landlines/modems. I want to strictly utilize internet protocols.

I'm looking for advice/pointers.

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