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  Topic: NPP Pro only running when user logged on to server

Replies: 3
Views: 36945

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:44 pm   Subject: NPP Pro only running when user logged on to server
Correct. pages are pending until someone logs in. then the app starts processing pending items and queue gets cleared.

Please advise.

(I get your point about moving to the other software but this was working properly until a few days back. We may look into this option at a future time)
  Topic: NPP Pro only running when user logged on to server

Replies: 3
Views: 36945

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 5:27 pm   Subject: NPP Pro only running when user logged on to server
Hi there
we discovered that for some reason, NPP would not send pages anymore for a few days unless someone is actually logged on to the server.
This is completely new behavior, no update was actually installed on the server, nothing that we think of that could have affected this.

I think I already saw that in the past or on some previous posts...

Any idea?

FYI, we are running NPP 5.06 on Win2012R2 virtual server, Solarwinds integrated.

  Topic: NotePager Pro integration with SolarWinds TRAP Viewer

Replies: 3
Views: 36689

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:37 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro integration with SolarWinds TRAP Viewer
I'm about to give it a try. 2 questions:
-if I'm not using GROUPS for my recipients, I can skip the group from the command?
- Can I use SolarWinds variable in the command?

so something like:
c:\NotePager Pro\npp.exe MWT_Team ${variable}

  Topic: NotePager Pro integration with SolarWinds TRAP Viewer

Replies: 3
Views: 36689

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:21 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro integration with SolarWinds TRAP Viewer
We are using NPP and we are trying to send a page alert (received by SolarWinds Trap Viewer - NPM module)
Unfortunately, it looks like the "Dial Paging or SMS service" Action is not listed in the Actions list like if it was not "integrated" by default.
Is this a known thing?

the only one that is listed is the default Email / Page action (which can't, as you know send a page thru TAP)
Could you please advise if this is a NPP issue or SolarWinds? I guess I'm not the first one asking...
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:56 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
We are on the right track:
Activity log is clean | Activity Monitor window is clean, no more "not found" errors. GUI and SYSTEM instances running in parallel.

I'll touch-base tomorrow is required.
in such case, would you issue a new release to address those issues?
we did so many hacks and tried several adjustments, are they all covered by the 2 last version of npp.exe and nppdialer.exe you posted here?

  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:27 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
So here is what I notice:

1. NPP.log looks different since last Delivery Engine Stopped/Started
no more reference to COM3 conflicts.

2. still getting those on a 1 out 2 page sent basis. When this occurs, this is what we get in ACTIVITY MONITOR. Page sent @ 12:36 was successfully sent and modem hung up properly. but before next page goes out, there are a few "Attempting to reset modem" then the "Unable to open COM3 - port in use or doesn't exist" messages:

3/22/2016 12:36:18 PM Working on message to: TECH_PROD from:
3/22/2016 12:36:18 PM Formatting message
3/22/2016 12:36:18 PM Message contained in single block
3/22/2016 12:36:18 PM Sending block
3/22/2016 12:36:20 PM Block sent successfully
3/22/2016 12:36:20 PM SUCCESSFUL To:123456 Msg: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:35 PM
3/22/2016 12:36:20 PM Hanging up modem
3/22/2016 12:36:22 PM Modem hung up
3/22/2016 12:40:53 PM ========================================
3/22/2016 12:40:53 PM Start connection to carrier: PageNet
3/22/2016 12:40:53 PM Connect using TAP protocol
3/22/2016 12:40:53 PM Setting communication parameters
3/22/2016 12:40:53 PM Attempting to reset modem
3/22/2016 12:40:56 PM Attempting to reset modem
3/22/2016 12:40:59 PM Attempting to reset modem
3/22/2016 12:41:02 PM NotePager Pro was unable to to talk to your modem
3/22/2016 12:41:02 PM Please check your modem port setting (Tools->Setup->Modem)
3/22/2016 12:41:02 PM Unable to connect to carrier
3/22/2016 12:41:03 PM Hanging up modem
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM ========================================
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM Start connection to carrier: PageNet
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM Connect using TAP protocol
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM Setting communication parameters
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM Unable to open COM3 - port in use or doesn't exist
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM ========================================
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM Start connection to carrier: PageNet
3/22/2016 12:41:18 PM Connect using T ...
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:48 am   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
Yes, I've seen a bunch of those right away in the log.
so just to make sure, I went back to settings reapplied those and did a GET on
Category: connector
Name: close_com_on_hangup
and that returned -1 as expected.

give me sometime, I'll run more test as alerts come in and I'll update you.
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 11:34 am   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
I applied that version of the nppdialer.exe, changed the global settings.

running the GUI, while the system instance is running in background still generates a lot of "noise" in log. same as before.

Should I have expected a different behavior on that point?
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:01 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
quick addition about registry entries now:
SendCommand = c:\NotePager Pro\npp.exe /localdb
StartCommand = c:\NotePager Pro\npp.exe /minimized
DBDir = C:\ProgramData\NotePage\NotePager Pro\5.0\
PollingDirectory = C:\ProgramData\NotePage\NotePager Pro\5.0\
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:55 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
to have the GUI working as expected (sharing DB and LOG with SYSTEM instance) I had to remove the shortcut switch /localdb that you suggested to enable originally.

Now, GUI points to ORION used DB and LOG. This seems to be fine.

However, when having both the GUI running while ORION sends pages, this is generating tons of log entries about the COM port being used (npp.log is > 12M after just 5-6 pages). I don't remember having noticed that with previous version:

3/21/2016 2:18:57 PM Start connection to carrier: PageNet
3/21/2016 2:18:57 PM Connect using TAP protocol
3/21/2016 2:18:57 PM Setting communication parameters
3/21/2016 2:18:57 PM Unable to open COM3 - port in use or doesn't exist
3/21/2016 2:18:57 PM ========================================

Please confirm.
Meanwhile I'll leave this as is and touch-base tomorrow in case I notice any other issue.
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:19 am   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
The registry settings are:
SendCommand = c:\NotePager Pro\npp.exe /localdb
StartCommand = c:\NotePager Pro\npp.exe /minimized
DBDir = c:\NotePager Pro\GobalDB\
PollingDirectory = c:\NotePager Pro\GobalDB\

However, definitely, the SYSTEM (hidden) instance uses the
C:\ProgramData\NotePage\NotePager Pro\5.0\npp.mdb and
C:\ProgramData\NotePage\NotePager Pro\5.0\npp.log

let me know. thx.
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:07 am   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
Hello again.
There is still an issue with this version even after installing the 2 new executables and adding the /localdb to the shortcuts.

there is a mismatch between the GUI's and the hidden's (SYSTEM) folders locations for the GlobalDB:

The SYSTEM one points to C:\ProgramData\NotePage\NotePager Pro\5.0\npp.mdb while the GUI points to
C:\NotePager Pro\GlobalDB\npp.mdb

The issue is that I can't update the GUI one to point to the SYSTEM location. It won't let me.
Consequently, any change I would make through the GUI DB would not reflect to the SYSTEM DB.

this leaves me with 2 different DBs and LOGs.
This is also very confusing for users as the change we make through the GUI are not applied to the running instance.

Is there an other way to make the locations match?
Please advise.
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:38 pm   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
You rock guys! this worked. just a comment for others:
I had to specify target path with quotes, ie:
"C:\NotePager Pro\npp.exe" /localdb
and just replacing the executables, I didn't have to change/restore DB.
  Topic: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background

Replies: 16
Views: 118651

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:00 am   Subject: NotePager Pro 5.03 running in background
We used to work with NPP 3 until we upgraded to NPP 5.03 on Win2012R2-64b server.
(Our setup is integrated with SolarWinds)
We noticed that because no-one was logged on to the server, NPP didn't fire pages alerts. They got queued until some one actually logged in to the server.
This was not the case in version 3.x, even though it was not set as a service.
Is there a way to address that?
thank you.
  Topic: how to export the whole NotePager Pro v3 DB to NotePager Pro

Replies: 4
Views: 41345

PostForum: NotePager Pro Support   Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:39 pm   Subject: how to export the whole NotePager Pro v3 DB to NotePager Pro
thank you. it worked:
Global DB path is indeed different in Win2012R2 than in Win2008, C:\ProgramData\NotePage\NotePager Pro\5.0
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