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NotePage, Inc. is a Green Company

NotePage's Green Company Policy

NotePage recognizes that all businesses can have a direct or indirect impact on their local, regional, and global environment. As a result NotePage, Inc. has developed a Green Policy in order to minimize their environmental impact.

Efficient Use of Energy
NotePage and its staff use and purchase energy star-compliant hardware whenever possible.

Encourage Conservation
NotePage's staff and employees are encouraged to conserve energy whenever possible.

Minimize Waste
NotePage's staff sends sales quote via email unless the customer specifically requests that the quote be sent using an alternate communication channel. This is done in order to minimize paper waste.

All NotePage employees are encouraged to reuse paper for note-taking Where appropriate refurbished equipment or parts are considered.

ESD Option
All of NotePage's software titles are available electronically, unless the customer chooses to receive physical media NotePage's software and key codes are delivered electronically via download and email.

Many NotePage staff members telecommute, to help reduce our corporate carbon emissions.

Spread the Word
NotePage has added a Green Tips section to the NotePage newsletter to share their tips for being green.

NotePage is primarily an e-business. The vast majority of customer contact is virtual.

NotePage encourages all staff to conserve, reuse and recycle.

About the Author -
Sharon Housley is the VP of Marketing for NotePage, Inc. a software company for communication software solutions. http://www.notepage.net



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