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How Do I Text Message a Group?

How to Send Text Message to Groups?

Here is how you send text messages to groups using NotePager Pro:

When the program comes up, left click on the Groups menu, then left click on Add.

In the Description field, enter the name for this group. You can name it anything you please.

After entering the name, left click in the short name field and it should fill in for you.

In the Comment 1 and Comment 2 fields, you can leave yourself notes or comments about this group.

You should also see the On-Call group checkbox but we'll get to that later.

Left click on Apply to add the group in and you should see this prompt.

Left click on OK, then left click on Close.

Now that we have the group entered in, go to Groups - Members.

Highlight the group and left click on Edit.

Here in the members section, you'll notice that we have two sections: Non-Members and Members.

To add someone as a member of a group, simply left click on their name and it will move them into the members section.

Once you've finished populating your group, left click on Apply, then close the Group Members box. Now, let's go back to those Advanced Options we saw earlier.

Go to Groups - Edit.

Highlight your group's name, then left click on Edit.

You should see the On-Call Group checkbox.

If this is enabled, you can configure a list of dates and times for an on-call schedule for the members of this group.

To configure this schedule, put a check in On-Call Group and left click on the On-Call Schedule button.

Once the On-Call schedule screen comes up, left click on Add.

First, select the recipient that you want to configure.

Then specify the start day, start time, stop day, and stop time.

Or you can watch the video tutorial to send messages to groups.

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