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How do I configure PageGate to use a direct serial connection to my messaging terminal?

How do I configure PageGate to use a direct serial connection to my messaging terminal?

1) Attach the Paging Terminal to the computer running PageGate with a serial cable, make sure to keep a note of which serial port you plug the cable in to.

2) Once attached, open the PageGate Admin program and go to Connectors -> Dialer 1 -> Settings.

3) Go to Connectors - Dialer1 - Settings.

4) In the settings of Dialer1, type the following in the Init string and click on Apply: direct

5) Leave the Dialing Prefix Blank, leave the Dedicated Carrier set to None, and make sure that the Serial Port is set to whichever serial port you plugged the cable into.

6) Put a checkmark in Direct Connect and click on Apply.

7) Right click on the Carriers section, left click on Add Carrier.

8) You can name the carrier whatever you wish, though I would recommend using a naming convention that is fairly straightforward (Example: SBCDirect, SprintDirect, etc).

9) Leave the Protocol Set to Tap, the Failover set to None, and the Phone Number blank.

10) Change the Baud Rate, Parity, Stop Bits, and Data Bits to reflect your Tap Terminal's settings. If you're unsure of these settings, please contact your Terminal's manufacturer for further information.

11) In the init string, type the following: direct

12) Change the Max Characters to reflect the Maximum number of characters your Terminal can handle in a single message, specify any password, or message limit that your terminal has, and be sure to put a check mark in Drop non-printable characters.

13) Click on Apply.

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