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How do I change modems in NotePager Pro?

How do I change modems in NotePager Pro?

1) Install the new modem in Windows.

2) After the modem has been installed, go to your Control Panel in Windows.

3) Go to the Modems (or the Phone and Modem Options).

4) Go under the Modems Tab. Here it he modems tab, you should see your modem listed below as well as the COM port that it's attached to. Write down the COM port number.

5) Close all of that and open NotePager Pro.

6) Now, if you're using NotePager Pro, go to the Tools - Settings - Modem section.

7) Change the Modem Port to be whatever you wrote down is step 4.

8) Click on Apply.

9) Once you've changed the modem port, go to Carriers - Edit.

10) Change the Init String for all of your TAP based carriers to (auto)

11) Click on Apply.

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