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How do I turn on or turn off Dialers and/or Modules in PageGate?

How do I turn on or turn off Dialers and/or Modules in PageGate?

The easiest way to activate dialers and/or modules, once you've entered the registration information, is to do the following:
1) In the PageGate Admin program, go to Program -> Settings.

2) There in the program settings, you should see a series of checkboxes detailing each of the various modules that are enabled. You should see a corresponding checkbox for each module and dialer you want to enable or disable.

3) Put a check mark next to each of the dialers and/or modules you want to use, then click Apply.

3a) To disable a module or dialer, uncheck the appropriate checkboxes and click Apply.

4) If you're running PageGate as a Windows NT Service, it will prompt you for 'credentials' to make the appropriate changes to the System Services. Generally, you can leave the fields blank and click on Apply. If this does not work, please contact Tech Support at

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