NotePage Sales Guest
Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:51 am Post subject: ANN: Patient Focus Systems |
We are pleased to announce the following new integration relationships:
Patient Focus Systems - Patient Focus Systems is now using NotePage's software to facilitate communication with hospital staff. Patient Focus SystemsŪ designs and distributes two specialized software tracking and management performance systems for hospitals and medical centers around the U.S. and Canada. Access Bed Control, provides multi-service department integration for the very important function of a hospital's bed management and Patient Transport System, manages not only the transport staff, but also the logistics of the transport service, internally and
externally for the hospital or medical center. Both PTS and ABC generate
assignment information to the appropriate staff, as well as customized paging information via a text message. PageGate has the ability to retrieve these messages and send them to the hospitals' paging service for distribution, via the hospital's option of using a modem, a direct serial port connection, or wireless communication processes in an expedient manner, increasing efficiency and responsiveness.